Wonder Boy Returns: Remix

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PlayStation 4 credits (2019)

20 people (18 professional roles, 2 thanks) with 27 credits.

Wonderboy Returns Remix

Copyright ©SEGA, ©LAT, ©CFK, Original Game ©Sega ©LAT
Executive Producer ChangSig Koo
Director Hyeon-min Choi
Producer Heung Seob Sung
Art Director Hyeon-min Choi
3D Effector Chang-geun Kim
Animator Chang-geun Kim
Graphic Artists Hyeon-min Choi, Chang-geun Kim, Han-byeol Ryu
Superviser Heung-seop Seong
Game Designers Heung-seop Seong, Lee Jun-Hyeong
Technical Director Jong-bum Choi
Main Programmer Jong-bum Choi
Programmers Dong-su Kim, Dae-woong Kim, Jung Do-II
Sound Directors Spotworks, Sukhil.Ham
Sound Programmer Jong-bum Choi
Thanks to Chan-song Yoon, Yeon Jun Kim
Published by CFK
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People credited on this game were also credited on:

Other Games


In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

Credits contributed by Tim Janssen.