Total Recall
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For ZX Spectrum.
Artwork and comments by Mark R. Jones.
Downloaded from World of Spectrum, as Historical development graphics.

Graphic animation frames by Mark R. Jones for the scrapped Spectrum version of 'Total Recall'. This shows a bald baddy, running (the 8 frames on the top row) , firing standing and crouched, standing, punching and jumping.

Graphic animation frames by Mark R. Jones for the scrapped Spectrum version of 'Total Recall'. The same bald baddy as previous screen, this time facing forward and 3 frames of him dying.

Graphic animation frames by Mark R. Jones for the scrapped Spectrum version of 'Total Recall'. The screen just shows an example of each different person so far translated to the Spectrum screen.

Graphic animation frames by Mark R. Jones for the scrapped Spectrum version of 'Total Recall'. Another baddy doing various things.

Graphic animation frames by Mark R. Jones for the scrapped Spectrum version of 'Total Recall'. A front on and stand frame followed by a 10 frame die sequence.

Graphic animation frames by Mark R. Jones for the scrapped Spectrum version of 'Total Recall'. This screen shows the 2 main girls from the film, Lori and Melina.

Graphic animation frames by Mark R. Jones for the scrapped Spectrum version of 'Total Recall'. This screen shows Kuato undoing his coat and revealing that horrible mutant baby man thing underneath.

Graphic animation frames by Mark R. Jones for the scrapped Spectrum version of 'Total Recall'. Lori and her relevant mask sprites.

Graphic animation frames by Mark R. Jones for the scrapped Spectrum version of 'Total Recall'. Melina and her relevant mask sprites. Here you can see how finished graphics were doctored to make other characters without you having to start from scratch. It would save no end of time. Flick back and forward between this and the last screen showing Lori.

Graphic animation frames by Mark R. Jones for the scrapped Spectrum version of 'Total Recall'. A mutant baddy and his frames of animation.

Graphic animation frames by Mark R. Jones for the scrapped Spectrum version of 'Total Recall'. A gun toting baddy.

Graphic animation frames by Mark R. Jones for the scrapped Spectrum version of 'Total Recall'. Mutant prostitutes.

Graphic animation frames by Mark R. Jones for the scrapped Spectrum version of 'Total Recall'. The graphics for the main character of Quaid and a 'Total Recall' logo. The first 6 frames at the bottom are how he would appear to die on the screen. The black, negative outline graphics are called 'masks' and were required by the programmer to enable each graphic to pass over background graphics without making it disappear.

Graphic animation frames by Mark R. Jones for the scrapped Spectrum version of 'Total Recall'. Baddies who hung out of windows to fire their guns at you.

Graphic animation frames by Mark R. Jones for the scrapped Spectrum version of 'Total Recall'. A 6 frame explosion followed by various pick ups for a top down driving section (which was an obvious nod to Ultimate's 'Tranz Am', judging by the 2 graphics on the right from that game).

Graphic animation frames by Mark R. Jones for the scrapped Spectrum version of 'Total Recall'. A 'JohnnyCab' from above and 2 baddy cars from the top down section.

Graphic animation frames by Mark R. Jones for the scrapped Spectrum version of 'Total Recall'. An 11 frame mine explosion and another 9 frame explosion.

Graphic animation frames by Mark R. Jones for the scrapped Spectrum version of 'Total Recall'. 2 more cars for the top down section.

Graphic animation frames by Mark R. Jones for the scrapped Spectrum version of 'Total Recall'. Various pick ups and mask graphics.

Graphic animation frames by Mark R. Jones for the scrapped Spectrum version of 'Total Recall'. 2 of the taxi graphics.

A mocked up title screen for the scrapped Spectrum version.

A mocked up 'game complete' screen for the scrapped Spectrum version.

Spectrum graphic windows by Mark R. Jones made for the scrapped Spectrum version of 'Total Recall'. Based on Steve Cain's drawings.

Spectrum graphic windows by Mark R. Jones made for the scrapped Spectrum version of 'Total Recall'. Based on Steve Cain's drawings.

The original loading screen for the scrapped version, used as an in game screen in the released version.
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