🕹️ Physical editions of Graveyard Keeper now shipping
Tetris Forever
Tetris Forever

Wizardry: Knight of Diamonds - The Second Scenario

aka: Sorcellerie: Le Chevalier de Diamant, Wizardry: Scenario #2 - The Knight of Diamonds
Moby ID: 1304

[ All ] [ Apple II ] [ Commodore 128 ] [ Commodore 64 ] [ FM-7 ] [ Game Boy Color ] [ Macintosh ] [ MSX ] [ NES ] [ PC Booter ] [ PC-88 ] [ PC-98 ] [ Sharp X1 ]

Releases +

Commodore 128

1988 Release
Published by: Sir-tech Software, Inc.
Developed by: Sir-tech Software, Inc.
Countries: flag United States
Comments: dual C64/C128 release
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Releases contributed by Trypticon.