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Dark Age of Camelot: Trials of Atlantis

Moby ID: 12771

Windows credits (2003)

201 people (178 professional roles, 23 thanks) with 232 credits.

Mythic Entertainment Management Team

President Mark Jacobs
CEO Mark Jacobs
Vice President Rob Denton
CTO Rob Denton
Executive Producer Matt Firor

Design Team

Dark Age of Camelot Design Team Mark Jacobs, Rob Denton, Matt Firor, Brian Axelson, Colin Hicks, Jim Montgomery, Jeffry Hickman, Lori Hyrup, Lisa Krebs, Erik Krebs, Roy McCormack, Maurice Nelson, Walter Yarbrough

Production Team

Executive Producer Matt Firor
Producer, Camelot Product Line Colin Hicks
Content Producer Walter Yarbrough
Line Producer Spyke Alexander, Mike Lescault
Associate Producer Mark Davis

Programming Team

Project Lead Rob Denton
Lead Server Programmer Brian Axelson
Lead Client Programmer Daniel Dunham
Patcher and Client Marty Brown
Client Interfaces Steve Houchard
Client Graphics Scott Hofmann
Client and Utilities Yvette Nash
Server Jim Montgomery, Scott Jennings, Bob Sellers
Database Bob Sellers
Monster Pathing and Client Matt Doetsch-Kidder
Monster Pathing and Server Erik Parker
Web Support Georgia Wall

Content Team

Producer Colin Hicks
Live Content Lead Walter Yarbrough, Michael Ferguson
Expansion Content Lead Lori Hyrup
Terrain Creation Lead David Morin
Treasure and Economy Lead Erik Krebs
Quests Lisa Krebs, Jennifer Montgomery, Ellisa Barr, Mat Torsky, Michael Barr, Paul Torres, Jennifer Hicks
Encounter AI Maurice Nelson, Roy McCormack, Ellisa Barr, Jeremiah Smith, Howard Marans, Jesse Taylor, Destin Bales, Mat Torsky
NPCs Jennifer Hicks
Treasure and Economy K. C. Peden, Yvonne Bridges, Brett Robinson, Robert Hinkle
Dungeon Layouts Jeremiah Smith
Terrain Creation Howard Marans

Art Team

Art Director Lance Robertson
Lead Artist C. J. Grebb
Lead Technical Artist Michael Crossmire
Lead Figure Artist Christopher S. Ondrus
Lead World Artist Jeff Skalski
Lead Concept Artist Mathew Weathers
Character Art Jane Miller, Lucas Hardi, Tohan Kim, Mathew Weathers, Kevin Boehm, Greg Breault
World Art Russell Chamier, Tracey King, Kareem Leggett, Peter Lipman, Diego Rivera, Susan Townsend, Jay Kapadia, Charles Shenton
Interfaces Rich Sisson

Music and Sound

Sound FX Creation and Integration Brad Derrick
Music by Rik Schaffer, Womb Music [www.wombmusic.net]

Product Quality

Director of Customer Support Jeffry Hickman
Product Quality Manager Jason Dawdy
Product Quality Lead Chris Rabideau, Jennifer Ortiz
Product Quality Aileen Rabideau, Christian Bales, James Ogle, Jason Libhart, Kristen Neal, Sean McNair

Communications Team

Internet Relations Manager Sanya Thomas
Internet Relations Julie Velez

Customer Support

Director of Customer Support Jeffry Hickman
Manager of In-Game Support Rob DiBiano
Supervisor of Technical Support Mike Stone
CS Team Lead Jon Farinelli, Erik Johnson, Robert Frazier III, Joshua Drescher, Virgil Wagaman, James Casey, Sean Gallagher, Michael Finnigan


Director of Operations Darrin Hyrup
Facilities Manager Chris Weakley
Network Operations Spyke Alexander
Facilities Support Andrew Mann

Project Support

Business Management Eugene Evans
Web Support Mike Luer

Documentation and Packaging

Documentation Design and Layout Rusel DeMaria
Documentation Assistance Mark Davis

Abandon Entertainment

Abandon Entertainment Marcus Ticotin, Karen Lauder, Deborah Marinoff, Monique Fauteux

Vivendi Universal Games

Vivendi Universal Games Koren Hubbard, Anita Frazier, Cathy Johnson, Jeff Neinstein, Philip O'Neil, Lisa Roth, Feza Sanigok, Stephen Wickes, Jason Willig

Special Thanks

Special Thanks to The Dark Age of Camelot Team Leads, Original Camelot Beta Testers, Shrouded Isles Beta Testers, Trials of Atlantis Beta Testers


Uses the Gamebryo 3D game engine by Numerical Design LTD. [NDL]
Uses Miles Sound System by RAD Game Tools Inc.
MPEG Layer-3 playback supplied with the Miles Sound System from RAD Game Tools Inc.
MPEG Layer-3 audio compression technology by Fraunhofer IIS, THOMSON multimedia


Credits Christian Aguile, Rahim Attaba, Anne Auvray, Thomas Bidaux, Loïc Bigot, Jean-François Bodart, Thomas Boëhm, Fabrice Bonniot, Gregory Bourgeois, Jean-Luc Carmors, Jérémy Canu, Eva Carlier, Pâris Constant, Julien Coquema, Jean-Michel Courivaud, Ingrid De Jong, Gaël de Robien, Alexis Delmotte, Arnaud Desbonnets, Eric Emanuel, Joram Epis, Sabine Flier, Amaury Franchette, Nicolas Guion, Stefan Hett, Michaël Ivorra, Nicolas Ivorra, Thorsten Jänichen, Didier Kimès, David Kubacki, Nicolas Labretonniere, Serge Lagès, Nicolas Laurent, Fabrice Le Marrec, Vincent Lepage, Ghislaine le Rhun, Tiphaine Locqueneux-Bianchi, Fréderic Menou, Sylvain Mochet, Tristan Moreno, Stéphane Monat, Séverine Nubel, Véronique Palierne, Benoit Papy, Jean-Baptiste Pennes, David Petit, Mélanie Philip, Thomas Potin, René Reichert, Sébastien Renaud, Damien Roca, Jean-Marc Rouchouse, Denis Saric, Christian Scharling, Kai Schober, Sébastien Sorin, Manfred Ungemach, Marie-Christine Vaz, Sébastien Vidal, Cyrille Viéville, Arnaud Viguie, Alexandra Wiame


Responsable Marketing Franck Lalane
Chef de Produit Daphnee Cordeau
Coordinateur Marketing Export Greg Touilliez
Responsable Fabrication Eric Devaux

Translation (Traduction)

Version Française Around the Word, Wanadoo
Version Allemande trilobit, Wanadoo

Special Thanks (Remerciements spéciaux)

Merci à Henri Maurel ([Ministère de la Culture] pour son soutien régulier et sa sensibilité à notre univers.), Crusz pour son précieux travail d'habillage sonore des trailers., tous les bénévoles ayant aidé et aidant encore à rendre le jeu vivant., tous les joueurs pour leur passion., Morgane sans qui le jeu ne serait pas ce qu'il est.
Mention particulière aux personnes suivantes qui se reconnaîtront Yvette Nash (Queen), Mike Lescault, Mark Davis, Chrétien de Troyes, Lapinou, La tribu Ascaz, Mael Thagg, Xavier Lambert, Tamy, Bobo, PIRRE JOHNSON
Many thanks to all the volunteers who have helped and who are still helping to make the game a living space, to all the players for their dedication, Morgana[without whom the game wouldn't be the same]
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.


MobyPro Early Access

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MobyPro Early Access

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Credits contributed by formercontrib, Alsy, piltdown_man.