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Aztec Challenge

aka: Die Rituale der Azteken
Moby ID: 12756

At the ancient Mexican pyramid of Tenochtitlan, the Aztec gods have demanded a human sacrifice. You are one of the chosen! Your only hope of escape is to survive a series of tests in which your agility and stamina are pushed to the limits. With a pulsating soundtrack and seven screens full of spear-throwing warriors, booby trapped chambers and pools of piranhas, Aztec Challenge is a challenge on an epic scale!


Back of Cassette Case (Top Ten) - C64 (UK)

**Over the Aztecs broods a shadow of one of the most barbarous and horrible religions the world has ever known. Each year the Aztec priests sacrifice to their numerous gods many luckless human victims. Once you are chosen to be sacrificed you have only one chance of escape, you must compete in, and complete, an endurance and obstacle course of skill and daring to prove your worth.

Now you have been chosen, and now you must discover and successfully conquer the** "AZTEC CHALLENGE"!


Back of Cassette Case - C64 (UK)

Die Rituale der Azteken


von/by Paul Normen

Machen Sie einen Zeitsprung durch die Geschichte. Plötzlich befinden Sie sich in der Hauptstadt des alten Aztekenreiches aus der Zeit um 1500 v. Chr. Sie wurden dazu auserwählt, in einem alten Ritual den Göttern geopfert zu werden. Ihre einzige Chance, diesem Schicksal zu entrinnen, besteht darin, in einem Hindernislauf Ihren Mut und Ihre Geschicklichkeit zu beweisen, um dadurch zu zeigen, daß Sie es wert sind, am Leben bleiben zu dürfen.

Suddenly you are in the capital of the Aztec Empire in 1500 A.D. You've been sentenced to death, but have one chance to escape. If you don't want to end up as the next sacrificial victim to the Sun God, you'lI have to have a go at meeting the challenge. There are seven levels, each with its own problems. Obviously you have to get as many achievements as possible and lose as few lives as you can.


Back of Box - C64 (DE-UK)

AZTEC CHALLENGE for the Commodore® 64™


Suddenly you are in the capital of the Aztec Empire in 1500 A.D. You have been sentenced to be a ritual sacrifice to their gods, and your only chance of escape is to complete an obstacle course known as "THE AZTEC CHALLENGE!"### MULTI-PHASE/MULTI-LEVEL • FULL COLOR AND SOUND


Back of Box - C64 (CA-US)

Contributed by jean-louis.

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