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Dracula in London

Moby ID: 1258

DOS version

A fine early DOS horror game.

The Good
- Fun gameplay. - The element of luck provides a unique gameplay every time. - Easy to pick up for the first time. - The score system allows for replayability.

The Bad
- The graphics are mostly ASCII, which means it might be confusing at first. - The music and sound effects are scarce, and are made up of basic computer sounds. - The element of luck can be, at times, a hinderance.

The Bottom Line
Dracula in London is an interesting and unique early DOS horror game. The gameplay blends adventure and board game elements together to create a unique experience. With the board game aspect, multiple players can also play, taking turns between characters. The element of luck also ensure that no two gameplays will be exactly the same. The luck-based element of the game can be a bit unforgiving at times, though, as you may wind up face to face with a particularly nasty enemy, or taking a lot of turns to even land an attack. One small gripe I have is with the audio, as it consists entirely of occasional computer bleeps and bloops, which some might find annoying. The graphics of the game, being an early DOS game, do not have graphical sprites, but instead are made up entirely of ASCII characters. As such, visually it can be a bit confusing, but after a while you'll probably find yourself memorizing what letter or symbol means what.

Overall, I would recommend it for fans of old DOS games, especially if you're looking for a horror game, or just a game with Dracula or vampires.

by Microfrog on October 8, 2024

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