Title screen
Recruiting members in The Sand Bar
Exploring Primus City
Viewing a character's stats
Text-only intro to the story
Main menu
Your options menu in the game
Apathetic Corporate Hospital?
Buying armor.
I don't want to go through walls, silly, I just want to look closer at that poster!
Area map - a handy feature!
You can zoom the area map. A rare example in early RPGs
You are attacked by a random thug.
Many locations have detailed descriptions.
You can attack random innocent people... if you're evil.
Combat options
Combat in progress. You can let the computer AI do all the work.
Betting in a casino.
Lots of information available at computer terminals.
Space station. You can buy a window seat!
Exploring the surface of Mars.
Attacked by Martian wild creatures.
Cybil Graves.
Police Station.
Laser Slots.
Controller's Office.
It's usually a good idea not to mess with cops.
A pilferer attacks down in the mines.
Discovering a box of explosives down in the mines.
Meeting with a Nomad.
Entrance to city from the surface.
Do you trust this guy?
In case you ever had the urge to run old computer hardware on Titan, here's your chance.
Area view on surface.
Attack by a thrasher!
A fight down in the volcano vent tunnels.
A volcano vent leading down... Do you take it?
Area map of a volcano vent tunnel.
Title screen (CGA)
The sand bar (CGA)
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