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Return to Zork

aka: Return to Zork: An Epic Adventure in the Great Underground Empire, Return to Zork: Ein episches Abenteuer im großen Reich der Unterwell, Return to Zork: Une aventure héroïque dans le Grand Empire Souterrain

DOS version

One of the best adventure games

The Good
The graphics were very good for its time (1993.) I also liked the use of the FMV videos. Basically an all round good game.

The Bad
I didn't like the fact that it was too hard. You cannot finish this game without some kind of walkthrough or hint system, but thats all thats wrong with it.

The Bottom Line
I would get it if you like adventure games, and play the original zork text adventures. It helps if you do.

by James1 (239) on September 25, 2001

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