Return to Zork
Like its predecessors in the legendary Zork adventure game series, Return to Zork broke new ground for gameplay and technology. Widely acclaimed as the first interactive game to marry film-style production values to sophisticated gaming technology, Return to Zork has sold more than one million units since its initial release in 1993.
700 years before the action in Return to Zork unfolds, the Great Underground Empire was destroyed and all evil magic was dispersed. Now, however, the mythical dark recesses beneath the Valley of the Sparrow are back.
As a wayward adventurer (in a Zork game -- imagine that!), you must save the human race from Morphius, the evil ruler of the Great Underground Empire. You roam from the Eastlands to the Westlands, gathering clues and solving puzzles by receiving hints from quirky characters you meet along the way. The first-of-its-kind interface facilitates simple tracking of clues, objects and conversations.
With a fully-orchestrated score, 24-bit graphics and more than one hour of full motion video featuring such well-known actors as Jason Hervey ("The Wonder Years") and Robin Lively ("Doogie Howser" and "Twin Peaks"), Return to Zork delivers an engaging multimedia experience.
Unknown Source
An Epic Adventure in the Great Underground Empire According to the myth, the Great Underground Empire of Zork was destroyed and all evil magic was dispersed. But now, the IT&L Corporation claims to have discovered the mythical dark recesses beneath the Valley of the Sparrows.
Since their discovery, nightmares have become common. People have vanished. Buildings have disappeared. And you, the unwitting traveler must save the underground empire from the forces of evil. RETURN TO ZORK
A mesmerizing interactive adventure of danger, intrigue and cunning. Explore the most amazing territory ever seen. Face one fascinating puzzle after another. GROUND BREAKING PRODUCTION
Be entranced by a cast of Hollywood stars. Revel in a superb soundtrack with over 180 original compositions. Be intrigued by more than one hour of spoken dialogue. REVOLUTIONARY INTERFACE
Quickly and easily master complex interactions. Choose your conversational tone, from threatening to friendly, for different responses from the characters you meet. Snap pictures and tape record conversations to review at any time. THE EXPERIENCE
A story so compelling novice adventurers will be enthralled. A puzzle structure so challenging even the most experienced game players will not be able to sleep. It's an adventure you'll never forget.
Back of Box
About This Game
According to the myth, the Great Underground Empire of Zork was destroyed and all evil magic was dispersed. But now, the IT&L Corporation claims to have discovered the mythical dark recesses beneath the Valley of the Sparrows.
Since their discovery, nightmares have become common. People have vanished. Buildings have disappeared. You, the unwitting traveler, must save the underground empire from the forces of evil.
- Return to Zork: A mesmerizing interactive adventure of danger, intrigue and cunning. Explore amazing territory and face one fascinating puzzle after another.
- Spectacular Production Value: An entrancing game filled by a cast of Hollywood stars. Revel in a superb soundtrack with over 180 original compositions.
- Amazing Interface: An interactive interface before its time! Quickly and easily master complex interactions. Choose your conversational tone, from threatening to friendly, for different responses from the characters you meet. Snap pictures and tape record conversations to review at any time.
- The Experience: A story so compelling novice adventurers will be enthralled. A puzzle structure so challenging even the most experienced game players will not be able to sleep. It’s an adventure you’ll never forget.
Source: (English)
Une aventure épique dans le fabuleux Empire souterrain de Zork
Selon la légende, le Grand Empire Souterrain de Zork fut détruit et les forces maléfiques qui y régnaient dispersées. Toutefois, le conglomérat IT & L prétend avoir découvert la cache permettant d'accéder à ce royaume mythique dans la Vallée des Moineaux.
Depuis cette découverte, les cauchemars sont devenus monnaie courante. Des personnes disparaissent, des habitations se volatilisent. Vous, le Voyageur, êtes le seul capable de mettre fin aux agissements des forces du mal et sauver ainsi l'Empire souterrain de Zork.
Une aventure interactive fascinante, envoûtante et dangereuse. Explorez le territoire le plus fascinant que vous ayez jamais vu et résolvez des énigmes de plus en plus difficiles.
Découvrez un casting digne des plus grandes superproductions Hollywoodiennes, une musique originale avec plus de 180 compositions inédites et plus d'une heure de dialogues parlés.
Maîtrisez rapidement et aisément des interactions complexes en choisissant le ton de vos conversations, de l'amical au menaçant afin d'obtenir différentes réponses des personnages que vous rencontrerez. Vous pourrez également vous repasser les conversations plus tard grâce à votre magnétophone.
Une aventure qui séduira tout autant les novices que les amateurs les plus expérimentés. Return to Zork est une aventure que vous n'oublierez jamais.
Back of Box - DOS (French)
죠크 행성
조크 행성의 거대한 지하 제국, 신 화에 따르면 이 지하 제국은 완전히 파괴되었으며 모든 악의 세력은 모습 을 감추었다고 한다. 그런데, IT&L 이라는 기업이 스패로우 계곡 아래에 숨겨져 있는 전설의 어둠을 찾아내고 말았다. 이 일이 있고 난 후부터 사 람들은 이유없이 죽기 시작했으며 건 물도 하나 둘씩 자취를 감추기 시작 했다.이제 평범한 여행가이던 주인공은 죠크 행성의 지하 제국을 악의 세력 으로부터 구해내야만 한다. 헐리우드 스타들이 등장하며 180곡 이상의 오 리지널 사운드 트랙을 제공한다.
IBM PC 386 호환용으로 VGA 그래픽 카드를 지원한다. 3.5인치 디 스켓으로 되어 있다.
장르 : 어드벤처
제작 : Infocom
가격 : 3만 9천원
GameCom supplement, MyCom Issue 134 (02/1994)
Contributed by Jeanne, trembyle, jaXen, Derrick 'Knight' Steele.