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Windows screenshots
The load screen.I played the game via Amazon Luna, that's their purple thing in the top left
The game always loads from a save game. When playing for the first time the game took me through a process that created an initial save game before it would play
A load screen
The title screen and menu
The controls option seems to default to a controller
There are keyboard and mouse controls too
One of the menu options is the history of Devil May Cry. It is fun but this prologue is all that is really needed to start the game
On the first playthrough the player has to play the game's prologue. It is May 16th and it is 08:06pm. Something nasty has arrived in the city, a mysterious tree has taken root
This is my character. He and another guy called 'V' are inside the tree, Dante is already here, This is a tutorial
There are lots of messages about the controls
A screen like this pops up whenever a new kind of demon is encountered
This is a power up. There are others in the game. Walking into them picks them up
This is in the tutorial and I am fighting some sort of demon, I thought I was doing OK but my rating is Dismal.
This is 'V'. The final battle in the tutorial did not go well
My score at the end of the tutorial
The game starts with an long cut scene introduction in which developer credits appear
There's a tutorial at the start of the main game too. Here my character has a replacement arm which I have to learn how to use
The detailed results from the first mission
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