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Herald: An Interactive Period Drama

aka: Herald: An Interactive Period Drama - Book I & II
Moby ID: 121314

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Windows credits (2017)

77 people (45 professional roles, 32 thanks) with 85 credits.


Founders Remko Haagsma, Roy van der Schilden, Aïda de Ridder, Bart Heijltjes

Voice Actors

Devan Rensburg Vivek Bhurtun
Aaron Ludlow Troy Rodger
Ashna Troy Rodger
Tabatha Veazie Marta da Silva
Elisa Barros Marta da Silva
Corenlis Hendriksz Bas Sligting
The Rani Neela Bhurtun
Louis Morton Connor McKinley
Caleb Haywood Gideon Da Silva
Rupert Brunswick Bill Dick
Ian Douglas Yuri Theuns
Daniel Barros Creso Filho
Nikolaus Gehrig Christian Kippelt
Undra Aubertin Mandela Wee Wee
Robert Stoxan Jim Sterling
Guard Rory Tol

Herald: An Interactive Period Drama

Written by Roy van der Schilden
Editing & Additional Writing Anna Mattaar
Marketing Nick Witsel
Additional Writing Nick Witsel
UK Editor Tim White
Creative Director Bart Heijltjes
Lead Programmer Remko Haagsma
Graphics Programmer Hans Cronau
Game Development Jirre Verkerk, Corne Thoes, Roy van Eijndhoven
Art Director Aïda de Ridder
2D Art Xenia de Vries, Aleksandar Komitov, Mei-Li Nieuwland, Julia Franken
2D Cinematics Dirk van der Vijgh
Lead 3D Animator José Koppes
3D Animation Jermaine van der Kolk, Jeroen Gorissen
3D Art Sarah Schroeder, William Litmaath, Justin Zijlstra, Tieme de Wit, Tjidde Peet
Music & Sound Design Bart Delissen
Additional Sound Design Rory Tol
Assistant Fundraising Gonneke Bennes
Kickstarter Video Stijn Friso Jobse

Special Thanks

Wispfire would like to sincerely thank everyone who helped make this game possible Nina Joseph, Wim Heijltjes, Paula Heijltjes, Henny van der Schilden, Jacqueline van der Schilden, Rik van Duijn, Cora Emens, Shai Shahar, Emad Shabban, Theo Paijmans, Csilla Vandemeulebroucke, Sabbah Hindawey, Prasand Baidjnath Misier, Mitchell Esajas, Sherida Halatoe, Remko's Family and Friends, VALUE, Rob Stockx, Laureen Dessing, Judith van den Dool, Matthew Donnelley, Tino van der Kraan, Abbey Games, Dominic de Graaf, Bertram Flier, Lotte de Vries, Live2D, Dutch Game Garden
Wisper, Mumu; Destroyer of Worlds, Loesje
And thanks to All our Kickstarter backers!


Copyright © Wispfire 2017, www.wispfire.com
Herald Book I & II were made with Unity Unity Engine © 2017 Unity Technologies
Voice Acting made possible by Democracy & Media Foundation | Stichting Democratie & Media
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Credits contributed by Sciere.