Space Shuttle: A Journey into Space
Blast off! Check the flight pattern and fuel gauge, and begin orbiting the planet in search of the satellite you've been sent to dock with and refuel. RENDEZVOUS flashes as you make final contact. Docking completed, prepare to land at Edwards Air Force Base. You're home! Begin flight training in Space Shuttle - A Journey into Space.
Activision Catalog - Winter / Spring 1984 - (5200 version)
There were several of us who graduated from flight school together. I alone had been chosen for the first, most celebrated mission. Carefully calculating distance and speed, I confidently began to ease the Shuttle into a docking position with the crippled, orbiting satellite. Nearer and nearer. So perfect. I grinned and glanced down at my class ring. It was almost by accident I also noticed my ship's flashing fuel gauge - empty.
Steve Kitchen's phenomenal flight simulator. For Atari, Commodore 64, and Apple II Series computers. Also for Atari 5200 and 2600
Activision Catalog 1984
It is the 101st Shuttle mission of the Space Transportation System. You are at the helm of the Space Shuttle Discovery. Approximately 210 nautical miles above the Earth is your target: an orbiting satellite with intentionally programmed gyroscope problems.
Your mission is to launch, rendezvous, and dock with the satellite as many times as you can, using the minimum of fuel, then return safely to Earth. A word of caution: Each time you successfully dock, the satellite has been programmed to become even more erratic.
This is a total test of your piloting capabilities. You will be evaluated at the end of your flight.
Description from manual (Atari 5200)
Ingenuity. Raw, relentless, fly-to-the-moon inventiveness.
It built America's Space Shuttle. It also, by the way, had a lot to do with building this one.
Might we say--a triumph of software engineering? Indeed, before you lies a marvelous opportunity to pilot an extremely authentic Shuttle mission.
Sound and graphics explode off the screen with all the fire and fury of a real Cape Canaveral liftoff.
Blast away solid rocket boosters. Open cargo bay doors.
Master orbital mechanics, and rendezvous with elusive satellites.
Finally, perform a precision deorbit burn. With super-heated gasses brilliantly flashing outside your window, surrounded by sonic booms, break through the atmosphere, and land.
It is a flight that will call upon all your skills, your inner strength, and your mind.
Join the Journey. And discover your own ingenuity along the way.
Steve Kitchen's Space Shuttle--A Journey Into Space.
Designed after consultation with NASA.
May also be used with the Sears Tele-Games Vidoe Arcade.
Use Joystick Controller.
Back Cover - 2600 (US), 1983 release
By/Par Steve Kitchen
Designed after close consultation with NASA.
Conçu après consultation sérieuse de la NASA. * Before you is a marvelous opportunity to pilot an extremely authentic Shuttle mission. Sound and graphics explode off the screen with all the fire and fury of a real liftoff. It is a flight that will call upon all your skills, your inner strength, and your mind. Join the Journey. And discover your own ingenuity along the way. * Vous avez devant vous une occasion extraordinair pour piloter une Navette en route pour une authentique mission spatiale. Son et image éclatent sur l'écran dans le vacarme enflammé d'un véritable décollage. Ce vol va exiger de vous toute votre adresse, toute votre force intérieure et tout votre esprit. Participez au voyage, et découvrez en chemin la grandeur de votre ingéniosité. * Vor Ihnen liegt die phantastiche (elegenheit, ein außerordentlich realistische Shuttle-Mission selbst zu fliegen. Geräusche und Vibration erschütterr den Bildschirm... mit dem gewaltigen, atemraubenden Feuer eires echten Stars. Ein Flug, der Ihre Fähigkeiten, Ihre innere Stärke und Ihr Denken bis aufs letzte beansprucht. Machen Sie sich auf die Reise und entdecken Sie unterwegs Ihre eigene Genialität. * Ecco dunque un'occasione straordinaria di pilotare lo Space Shuttle in una missione della massima autenticità . Gli effeti sonori e grafici riproducano la pulsante atomsfera del decollo. Il volo metterà alla prova la vostra abilità , forza di volontà e capacità ar concentrazione. Unitevi a noi in questo meravigliosa viaggio, e scoprite con noi il segreto della vostra ingegnosità . * Ante usted surge la maravillosa oportunidad de pilotear un Transbordador Espacial en una misión totalmente auténtica. El sonido y la imagen se desbordan de la pantalla con todo el fuego y la furia de un verdadero despegue. Es un vuelo que le exigirá a usted todas sus capacidades su fuerza interior y mental. Participe en la aventura, y en el curso de ella descubra su ingenio.
Back of Box - 2600 (Europe)
Coming in November
On April 20, 1981, the first space shuttle, Columbia, rose on a plume of fire and smoke through the dawn sky over Cape Canaveral, Florida. With astronauts Crippen and Young at the helm, Space Transportation System 1 (STS 1) thundered into aviation history on three liquid-fuel rocket engines, each with a rated thrust of 375,000 pounds.
Now, in Steve Kitchen's SPACE SHUTTLE: A JOURNEY INTO SPACE, you pilot the shuttle Discovery (STS 101) on its maiden voyage. Your mission: launch and achieve orbit; match the trajectory of an orbiting satellite; dock; re-fuel; and then re-enter the atmosphere and land at Edwards Air Force base in California on a proper glidescope—all at speeds of up to Mach 15 (fifteen times the speed of sound).
This, obviously, is no ordinary video game. It is a realistic simulation, designed by Steve in close cooperation with NASA scientists. All of the elements in SPACE SHUTTLE—velocities, altitudes, temperatures, glidepaths . . . even pitch, yaw and roll—are absolutely realistic, re-created from actual NASA shuttle missions.
SPACE SHUTTLE: your ticket to the thrill and challenge of an orbital journey!
Description from Activisions Magazine Vol. 7
Before you is a marvelous opportunity to pilot an extremely authentic Shuttle mission. Sound and graphics explode off the screen with all the fire and fury of a real liftoff. It is a flight that will call upon all your skills, your inner strength, and your mind. Join the Journey. And discover your own ingenuity along the way.### Designed after close consultation with NASA
Back of Cassette Case - MSX (UK)
Straight up. Soaring. Goodbye Earth. Blast away boosters. Open cargo bay doors. And rest, just for a second.
Time to tackle orbital mechanics. Try to rendezvous with an elusive satellite. Now you see it, now you don't. Finally: contact.
Then down.
Nice and easy. Deorbit. Down through the atmosphere to land back home.
A simulation designed after consultation with NASA. The controls, the animation and the decision-making make this flight absolutely first class.
Take it.
Back of Box - C64 (US)
Contributed by Joshua J. Slone, RKL, Siqo53, jean-louis.