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Pajama Sam: Life is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff

aka: Pajama Sam 4
Moby ID: 11847

Windows credits (2003)

105 people with 118 credits.

Humongous Entertainment

Interactive Design Rhonda Conley, Eric Gross
Producer Jeff McCrory
Lead Artist Renee Leiby
Lead Programmer Robert McAuliffe
Lead Animator Tom Witte
Production Assistant Jenny Neuburger
Programming Group Avida Setayesh, Brian Pulliam, Kristen Hebenstreit, Lisa Wick
Additional Programming Benjamin Young, Peggy Wiltz
Sound Designers Geoff Kirk, Christina McDonald, John Winston
Character Design James Bradrick, Travis Kotzebue, John Michaud, Leah Verre, Tom Verre
Traditional Animation John Michaud, Lara Y. Schneider, Maria Mailey, Tom Verre, Fred Sodt
Storyboard Artists James Bradrick, Tom Verre, Travis Kotzebue
Digital Ink and Paint Colorland Animation Productions Ltd.
Background Layouts and Paintings Ron Goodfellow, Kyle Shold, Adrian Bourne, Renee Leiby, Mark Lautenbach
Computer Art and Animation James McMillan, Valerie Kissling
Additional Artists Kathy Anderson, Cory Baker, Michael Jacob, Bobby Pontillas, Joshua Sterling, Jason Stokes
Script and Dialog Writer James Parry
Original Music Nathan Rosenberg, The Doghouse NYC
Drums and Percussion John Bollinger
Woodwinds Tom Glusac
Second Engineers Emre Vedat, Asli Tuney
Sock Musical Performance Nathan Rosenberg
Additional Vocals Brenda McEldowney
Sock Musical Lyrics Tom Verre
System Programming Ben Crane, Stephen W. Johnson, Josh Carlson, Neal Josephson, Wendy Jones, Brady Houck
Audio Engineers Geoff Kirk, Daylon Walden
Assistant Producers Patrick Hoynes, Robert J. Ochs
Featuring the Voice of Pajama Sam Elisha Ferguson
Additional Voice Talent Scott Brothers, Kelly Brown, Lee Calahan, Ezra Ferguson, Aaron Finklestein, Tracy Freckleton, Jason Halverson, Sue Ellen Katz, Lynette Morgan, Julie Rawley, Nathan Rosenberg, Daylon Walden, Adam Watson, Tom Witte
Senior V.P. and General Manager Andy Hieke
V.P. of Development Bill Petro
Executive Producer Skip Saling
Seniopr Producer Patrick Wylie
Art Director James Bradrick
Programming Manager Russ LaValle
Creative Director Brad Carlton
Technical Director Henrik Steen

Melbourne House

Producer Alex McNeilly
Business Development & Operations Markus Windelen


Associate Producer Chris Munson
Senior Brand Manager Jennifer Fukuda
Executive Producer Matthew Sughrue, Stacy Allyn Hendrickson
Director of Technology Paul Hellier
Director of Marketing Petrina McPhee
Director of Creative Services Steve Martin
Director of Editorial & Documentation Services Elizabeth Mackney
Art Director Kristine Meier
Senior Graphic Designer Paul Anselmi
Documentation Specialist Ross Edmond
Copywriter Paul Collin
Director of Publishing Support Michael Gilmartin
Director of Quality Assurance, North America Michael Craighead
I.T. Manager/Western Region Ken Ford
Manager of Technical Support Michael Vetsch
Senior Q.A. Testing Manager Kurt Boutin
Q.A. Testing Managers Randy Lee, Bill Carroll
Lead Tester Mark Huggins
Assistant Lead Tester Jared Sorensen
Testers Joe Faulstick, Tad Pantaleoni, Chad Rabinovitz
Compatibility Lab Supervisor Dave Strang
Compatability Analysts Randy Buchholz, Patricia-Jean Cody, Mark Florentino, Chris McQuinn, Cuong Vu
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Credits contributed by Ross Edmond.