1942: The Pacific Air War
Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea. They were desperate, daring and deadly!
The relentless gunfire of Japanese Zeros. Gravity-twisting dive-bomb attacks. Dropping torpedo "fish" on unsuspecting carriers. There's no room for error when you're a naval aviator in 1942, The Pacific Air War, the ultimate simulation of air combat in the South Pacific.
Taking on the same challenges that World War II fighter pilots faced, your tour of duty includes some of the most heroic battles ever fought. Battles that will have you chasing down Wildcats, Corsairs, and Zeros in death-defying dogfights. Performing high-speed dives upon heavily defended carriers. And pushing your skills to the limit as you master WW II air combat in an innovative virtual cockpit.
The outcome of the war in the Pacific turns upon your actions. Your task force is depending on you. And the skies are yours to control in 1942, The Pacific Air War.
CHALLENGE the enemy at the battles of Coral Sea, Midway, Eastern Solomons, Santa Cruz, and the Philippine Sea!
COMMAND U.S. or Japanese forces!
PILOT any of ten historically-accurate planes, each with its authentic cockpit and flight characteristics!
SWEAT over the comprehensive strategy for all naval forces!
EXPERIENCE the thrill of head-to-head dogfights with a friend via modem connection.
Advertisement in Electronic Entertainment, March 1994
1942 wurden in den Kämpfen im Südpazifik nur die mutigsten und besten Piloten für die Besatzung der Flugzeugträger ausgewählt.
Advertisement in PC Games, June 1994 (German)
1942 was a decisive year. The Japanese ans US navies had built up their forces to a staggering strength. Never before had the world seen the use of aircraft as the primary weapon in naval warfare. 1942 The Pacific Air War lets you re-create the famous air battles of the period, based on documented events, accurate locations and ships. Take part in hundreds of different missions; some will involve defending your fleet from enemy bombers, others will send you on reconnaissance or torpedo raids on other ships.
- Pilot any one of ten historically-accurate US or Japanese planes each with realistic cockpit and flight characteristics.
- Re-create the famous battles of the period: Midway, Coral Sea, Eastern Solomons, Santa Cruz and the Phillippine Sea. All with full Campaign play.
- Exciting cinematic quality graphics with texture-mapped terrain and Gouraud shaded planes.
- Jump into the Virtual Cockpit: allowing full visibility - to keep an eye on the enemy at all times - especially in dogfights!
- Save or replay missions as mini-movies using flexible camera angles.
- Create your own missions with the 1942 The Pacific Air War Mission Builder.
**1942 The Pacific Air War.
Frantic dogfights, death defying dive bomb attacks and terrifying torpedo runs.**
Back of Box - DOS (UK)
...They Were Desperate, Daring And Deadly!
For the past 50 years, only the courageous veteran pilots of World War II knew the real risks of fighting the legendary Pacific air wars.
Strap yourself into the cockpits of 1942: The Pacific Air War and you'll experience the ultimate simulation of daring air combat over the South Pacific. Taking on the same challenges faced by WWII aviators, you'll tangle with the enemy in some of the most heroic battles ever fought. You'll chase down Wildcats, Corsairs, and Zeros through relentless gunfire. You'll pick apart enemy forces by dropping torpedoes. And you'll perform gravity-twisting dive-bomb attacks that will leave you glue to the back of your cockpit!
The outcome of each engagement turns upon your actions. Your task force is depending on you. It's a battle between the devil and the deep blue sea in 1942, the Pacific Air War! * Fly for either the U.S. or Japanese Navy. Choose from ten historically-accurate aircraft, each with authentic cockpit and flight characteristics! * Whose side are you on? Decide for yourself by taking full command of either U.S. or Japanese forces! * Sharpen your skills with varying difficulty options! * To be where the action is, hop into the cockpit of any one of the planes in your flight. * Heart-stopping bomb runs will push your skills and your courage to the absolute brink! * Experience the same field of view as the actual aircraft pilots with an innovative new virtual cockpit!
Back of Box - DOS (United States)
1942 war ein entscheidendes Jahr. Die Seestreitkräfte Japans und der USA hatten zu einer unglaublichen Stärke aufgerüstet. Zum ersten Mal sollten in einem Seegefecht Flugzeuge als wichtigstes Kampfmittel eingesetzt werden.
Mit auf Dokumentarmaterial beruhenden Einsätzen und exakt nachempfundenen Schauplätzen und Schiffen können Sie in 1942 The Pacific Air War an den berühmten Luftkämpfen der damaligen Zeit selbst teilnehmen. Wählen Sie zwischen Hunderten verschiedener Einsätze. In einigen müssen Sie Ihre Flotte gegen gegnerische Bomben verteidigen, bei anderen werden Sie für Aufklärungsflüge oder Torpedoangriffe auf andere Schiff eingesetzt. * Fliegen Sie eines von zehn originalgetreuen amerikanischen oder japanischen Flugzeugen, ale mit einem realistischen Cockpit und wirklichkeitsgetreuen Flugeigenschaften. * Erleben Sie die berühmtesten Gefechte dieser Zeit: Kämpfen Sie bei Midway, im Korallenmeer, bei den östlichen Salomonen, Santa Cruz und den Philippinen. Sie können einzelne Einsätze fliegen oder an ganzen Unternehmen teilnehmen. * Grafiken im Filmqualität mit minutiös kartographierten Landschaften und Gouraudschattierten Flugzeugen. * Steigen Sie in das virtuelle Cockpit, um den Gegner jederzeit - vor allem in den Luftkämpfen - im Auge zu behalten. * Drehen Sie mit den verschiedenen Kameraeinstellungen kurze Filme, um sich Ihre Einsätze hinterher nochmal anzuschauen. * Planen Sie Ihre eigenen Einsätze mit dem Einsatz-Editor von 1942 The Pacific Air War.
**1942 The Pacific Air War.
Knallharte Luftkämpfe, lebensgefährliche Sturzbombardierungen und nervenaufreibende Torpedoangriffe.**
Back of Box - DOS (Germany)
Contributed by Belboz, Patrick Bregger, Xoleras, Wizo.