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EyeToy: Play

Moby ID: 11685

Critic Reviews add missing review

Average score: 79% (based on 19 ratings)

Player Reviews

Average score: 3.1 out of 5 (based on 15 ratings with 1 reviews)

Limited, but a technical achievement and a step forward in video gaming

The Good
This is totally amazing stuff! The whole package, including the menus, are interactive thanks to the EyeToy USB Camera! The interactive parts work via the camera detecting movement. When you move in front of the camera, the software checks whether something has moved via the changing of pixels sent by the camera. If an object has moved in the correct location of a motion area of the screen, a change to the program will occur (e.g. going back to the previous menu). In other words, you make yourself on-screen touch a specific part of the screen to interact with the package. For example, if you want to select a game from the game select screen, you wave your hand over the arrow buttons. The games themselves work in the same way. This is a technical achievement, and is the future of interactive gaming!

There are 12 games included with EyeToy: Play. My favourite is Boxing Chump because it's fun, and I like the way it works. You really have to fight like a real boxer!

Another good feature is that if you beat the current top score in any game, you'll be asked to pose for a photo! These are then saved to memory card if you have one.

The video messaging feature is also fun. You can create messages to give to your friends, or just make them for for your own enjoyment.

The Bad
The 3D graphics aren't the best on PS2. Sure, they're colourful but they lack polygons.

The games have very limited appeal, so it's not for everyone.

The video messaging feature requires a lot of memory card space. A ten second clip takes up just over 1 meg of space, whilst a 60 second clip takes almost a whole memory card! There is also no broadband support, so you cannot send clips to your friends via PS2 Broadband.

Perhaps the biggest disappointment is that you're restricted to human physical movement on screen, so developers are not able to create the latest FIFA or Grand Theft Auto where the characters are controlled via the EyeToy.

The Bottom Line
EyeToy is no doubt one of the best things to happen in the world of gaming. It may have its flaws, but is a lot of fun

PlayStation 2 · by pottyboy (68) · 2004

Contributors to this Entry

Critic reviews added by nyccrg, Patrick Bregger, Omnosto, DreinIX, Jeanne, Parf, Big John WV.