Call of Cthulhu

Moby ID: 116082

PlayStation 4 version

Atmospheric game for Loveraft fans

The Good
I really liked the atmosphere this game managed to set. Its a horror theme but not really scary tbh. I set out to expect a pretty straight plot but was pleasantly surprised how the choices ended up effecting the story or rather the outcome of if.

Gameplay is pretty basic and easy to get into, even after a pause. I loved to search around the place and fleshout the world from items, books, buildings and surroundings.

The soundscape and voiceacting was done well and some characters definitely made a lasting impact. I really liked the visual style of this game. The graphics are really appealing. I guess you could expect more from 2018 game but I think they've made a good use out of the engine they had.

The Bad
There could've been more puzzles, deciphering and investigation stuff. The game mostly constists of searching for interactable objects and activating stuff in order to progress. Some enemy encounters which seemed pretty easy.

The Bottom Line
Good game for the Lovecraft fans. Multiple endings and variation in dialogue make the game replayable and I really look forward to going through the game again to rethink some of the choices I made. Visually striking and atmospheric. Story and branching dialogue is the best assets of the game.

by Santtu Niskala on August 17, 2024

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