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Final Fantasy VIII

aka: FF8, FFVIII, Finalnaja Fantazija 8, Zui Zhong Huanxiang 8

Windows version

Final Fantasy 8, Swell Game.

The Good
Final Fantasy 8, While odd compared to it's brothers (Sisters, if you must.) is still the one I enjoy the most. Not only can the story grab your attention, but it makes a hard try for you emotions as well. You just feel all warm and fuzzy inside when something works out.

Like many others, the summons play an important role in the story. (and are cool/cute/and all around awesome to look at, If I could only get plushies of them...) The summons give your characters the ability to "Junction" magic to certain stats, Such as Strength and Spirit. (Defense against magic attack for those of you who, like me, had no idea.) Summons in this game can also give you command abilities, like "Draw" which leads me to the way magic works in this game. Magic is stolen from the enemies. Simple way of putting it. You use "Draw" on normal enemies and bosses and stock up on magic which you can A:Later unleash upon other baddies in a furious storm of the elements or B: Junction to you stats to put you characters closer to godhood.

The characters.... Where to begin? They all have their storylines that somehow combine to resolve the major conflict in the game, with less flying boats.

The graphics? Well, Field and battle models are fine, much improved since 7, and not as.... well, child like as 9. But it's the "ingame movies" that really make me smile :) They are wonderful.

  Music? it has plenty!  As always, better than the last. Eyes On Me is to die for, as well as another variation of the Chocobo theme ;) <br><br>**The Bad**<br>There isn't much I disliked, Besides the fact that the enemies you fight level up with you.  Yes, I know you probably read that again but it's true.  The stronger your characters get the stronger your opponents become.  This is not all bad, since the stronger they are the higher level of magic they have to steal.  But many enemies in they game, *coughstupidfrekingrubydragoncough* pose a major threat at high levels and for me, a ruby dragon was harder than any other creature in the game.

Also, Though I am all for the "Get paid as you go" idea, I had a problem with the rank system.  I maxed out my characters early so I had no reason to fight all the time, but if you don't fight your rank goes down and you get less money...  :O<br><br>**The Bottom Line**<br>    In a nutshell, since my way of saying things is a bit round-about, play this game.<br>

If you have never played a Final Fantasy, play this.
If you always play Final Fantasy, Play this.
If you have already played this, play it again and goof off.
You'll laugh at the antics of a certain martial artist, you'll cry at the tender love story between certain characters, and you'll feel like bouncing off the walls whenever you Selphie. Don't worry, you'll know what I mean once you start playing.

by New Age Gilgamesh (3) on July 12, 2005

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