Voxel Baller

Moby ID: 113963

[ Linux add ] [ Windows ]

Windows credits (2018)

13 people (9 professional roles, 4 thanks)

Graphics & Code Markadet
Music Dmitry Petyakin (Electric Egypt; Enter the Planet; Neon City Lights; New Orbitopolis; Space Tokyo; Super Weapn of ultra mass destruction), BadassWolfShirt [Baws responder; Imaginary Funerals], Frederic Modine (Emulsion de nos songes sur la Voie lactée), DOS-88 [Cruise Control], Ourmusicbox.com [Unrelenting; Weird Electro], Bensound.com [Moose]
Special Thanks Sarah-Anaïs Achache, Félix Lorain, Danh Tran Art [cover], Francois de Beausse
Translation Stéphanie Gosset (German), Mehdi El Duni (Japanese)
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Other Games


In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

Credits contributed by Patrick Bregger.