Medal of Honor: Rising Sun
*### 0815 HOURS
December 7, 1941*
An Epic Single-Player Adventure - Survive the devastating attack on Pearl Harbor. - Battle through the jungles of Guadalcanal to the streets of Singapore.
Experience the Powerful Realities of War- Over 20 authentic WWII weapons. - THX Certified sound design.
All-Out Online Warfare- Battle it out in Free-for-all and Team Combat modes. - Lead your squad to victory with Voice Chat communications.
Intense Multiplayer Combat- Engage Japanese forces in 2-player co-op mode. - Play as Axis or Allied soldiers in 4-player combat.
Defeat the Japanese Empire- Survive devastating Banzai charges. - Fight alongside battle-hardened Allies.
Back of Case
Step into the Boots of a WWII Soldier to Survive and Avenge the Attack on Pearl Harbor** REDWOOD CITY, Calif. – November 11, 2003 – Step into the boots of a Marine Corporal, survive the infamous attack on Pearl Harbor and engage in a life and death struggle to drive the Japanese Army from the Pacific as Electronic Arts (NASDAQ: ERTS) has begun shipping Medal of Honor Rising Sun to retailers nationwide under the EA GAMES’ brand. The fourth console installment of the award-winning series, Medal of Honor Rising Sun is an immersive and authentic WWII experience in either single-player or multiplayer mode and is available for the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system, the Xbox video game system from Microsoft, and the Nintendo GameCube.
Set in the Pacific Theatre of Operations from 1941-1944, Medal of Honor Rising Sun gives players the chance to experience the courage and sacrifice of those who accepted the challenge to combat Japanese Imperial forces in some of the most brutal campaigns of WWII. Players will assume the role of Marine Corporal Joseph Griffin as he survives the attack on Pearl Harbor, then joins the battle against the Japanese in the Philippines, Guadalcanal, Singapore, and Burma. Armed with a variety of authentic weapons and joined in battle by an array of historical and fictional characters including squads of allied soldiers, it’s up to players to stop the Japanese war machine in its tracks. Players can also team up with a friend in the all-new co-op multiplayer mode or battle in 4-player splitscreen mode on all consoles. Along the way, players will earn awards and medals for their meritorious service in defeating the enemy.
In a first for the Medal of Honor’ franchise, PlayStation 2 console gamers can join intense online multiplayer action for up to eight players. Players will go head to head across nine levels ranging from the jungles of the Pacific to the streets of the Orient. Players can find and join games using the EA matchmaking service and will be able to choose from a selection of Axis and Allied soldiers. Once play begins, soldiers can communicate with voice chat using a USB headset for more coordinated team play or taunting competitors. (USB headset and broadband connection required). An Internet connection, network adaptor, and memory card for the PlayStation 2 console are required for online play.
Medal of Honor Rising Sun was developed by EA Los Angeles. As with the previous Medal of Honor titles, the producers sought counsel from numerous outside expert sources to make certain the game is as historically authentic and realistic as possible. EALA continues to work closely with the Congressional Medal of Honor Society to ensure Medal of Honor Rising Sun reflects the ideals and integrity of the prestigious Medal of Honor. In addition, Capt. Dale Dye, who served as military technical advisor on the previous titles in the Medal of Honor franchise, continues his efforts with the Medal of Honor Rising Sun team to ensure the authenticity of the game.
Medal of Honor Rising Sun is rated “T” (Teen) by the ESRB and has a US MSRP of $49.99. The official Medal of Honor game website is About Electronic Arts Electronic Arts, headquartered in Redwood City, California, is the world’s leading interactive entertainment software company. Founded in 1982, Electronic Arts posted revenues of $2.5 billion for fiscal 2003. The company develops, publishes, and distributes interactive software worldwide for video game systems, personal computers and the Internet. Electronic Arts markets its products under three brand names: EA SPORTS’, EA GAMES’, and EA SPORTS BIG’. EA's homepage and online game site is More information about EA’s products and full text of press releases can be found on the Internet at
Press Release
Pack your gear, head to the Pacific, and fight Japanese imperialism in Medal of Honor’ Rising Sun. In this installment of the top-selling Medal of Honor series, Marine Corporal Joseph Griffin must endure some of the fiercest battles fought during WWII; crucial assignments ranging from surviving the devastating attack on Pearl Harbor, destroying the Bridge over the River Kwai, a midnight raid on Guadalcanal, and triumphing in the final showdown with Colonel Shima.
Players will take on five multi-part missions spanning ten massive open environment levels, all of which add up to one complete storyline. The experience begins with the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 aboard the U.S.S. California where players will fight off Japanese attacks and witness the destruction of the American fleet. Players will travel to Guadalcanal to destroy fortified Japanese gun emplacements and lead the assault on Henderson Field.
Players will have to use stealth as they travel to Singapore to search for information pertaining to a stolen cache of Japanese gold and escape on a stolen speedboat. Meet up with the British and the legendary Flying Tigers in Burma while discovering the secret of Yamashita’s gold, and then destroy the Bridge over the River Kwai.
Choose single player or the new two-player co-op mode to experience life as a Marine in the Pacific during the most difficult years of the war. Players can also choose four-player split screen deathmatch and team modes for head-to-head action.
Storytelling will be increased through interaction with squad members as the player progresses through the game. Each squad member will have a story arc that will be revealed as the game continues. Griffin’s friends and foes come to life with much improved AI and AI animation interaction within each environment. Characters, friend and foe alike, will use the environment around them for protection and cover when under attack.
FEATURES - 10 massive levels of gameplay spread across 5 major missions that can be played in single-player or two-player Co-op modes, based on real events that occurred during World War II.
Open environment based gameplay allows players to take multiple paths and approaches to defeat the enemy.
10 multiplayer levels for up to 4 players in deathmatch and team modes and 2 players in co-op mode.
Realistic environment rendering, including foliage, water, and weather effects.
Over 20 authentic WWII weapons.
Attack enemy units alone and as part of a crack military squad.
Sound effects by the award winning Medal of Honor sound design team at EALA.
Authentic WWII feel with the assistance military technical advisor Capt. Dale Dye.
Electronic Arts UK website - PlayStation 2
In Medal of Honor Rising Sun geht es mit voller Ausrüstung in Richtung Pazifik, wo der Spieler gegen das imperialistische Japan antritt. In diesem Spiel aus der erfolgreichen Reihe Medal of Honor schlüpft der Spieler in die Rolle des Marine Corporals Joseph Griffin, der während des 2. Weltkriegs die erbittersten Kämpfe erdulden muss. Er überlebt den Angriff auf Pearl Harbor, zerstört die Brücke am Kwai, führt den Sturm auf die Salomon-Insel Guadalcanal an und triumphiert im entscheidenden Kampf über Colonel Shima.
Die Spieler nehmen an fünf mehrteiligen Missionen teil, die sich über zehn Level mit offenen Umgebungen erstrecken, alle zusammen fügen sie sich zu einer einzigen Geschichte zusammen. Das Abenteuer beginnt an Bord der U.S.S. California mit dem Angriff auf Pearl Harbor 1941. Der Spieler kämpft gegen den japanischen Angriff und wird Zeuge der Zerstörung der amerikanischen Flotte. Er reist nach Guadalcanal, um japanische Waffenstellungen zu zerschlagen, und führt einen Sturmangriff auf Henderson Field an.
In einer Geheimmission geht es weiter nach Singapur, um nach Informationen über das gestohlene japanische Gold zu suchen, das Abenteuer wird auf einem gestohlenen Schnellboot fortgesetzt. In Burma trifft der Spieler auf die Engländer und ihre legendären Flying Tigers, während er das Geheimnis von Yamashitas Gold entdeckt und dann die Brücke am Kwai zerstört.
Als Marinesoldat im Pazifik, der die schlimmsten Jahre des Krieges erlebt, hat der Spieler die Möglichkeit, zwischen dem Einzelspieler- oder dem neuen Coop-Multiplayer-Modus zu wählen. Der Spieler hat auch die Wahl zwischen einem geteilten Bildschirm für vier Spieler im Deathmatch- und den Teammodi für spannende Mann-gegen-Mann-Action.
Die Geschichte wird im Verlauf fortgeführt, während der Spieler seine Fortschritte macht, werden weitere Einheiten hinzugefügt. Jede Einheit hat seine Geschichte, die während des Spielverlaufs aufgedeckt wird. Griffins Freunde und Feinde werden durch eine stark verbesserte KI und KI-Animation in jeder Umgebung des Spiels zum Leben erweckt. Die Charaktere, egal ob Freund oder Feind, nutzen die Umgebung, um sich zu schützen oder sich zu verstecken, wenn sie angegriffen werden.
EALA arbeitet weiterhin eng mit der Congressional Medal of Honor Society zusammen, um sicherzustellen, dass Medal of Honor Rising Sun die Ideale und die Integrität der prestigeträchtigen Medal of Honor wiederspiegelt. Das Team wurde außerdem weiterhin von Capt. Dale Dye, dem militärischen und technischen Berater für die Medal of Honor-Titel unterstützt, um die Authentizität zu gewährleisten.
Features: * Gameplay für 10 Level, das auf wahren Begebenheiten des 2. Weltkriegs beruht und sich über 5 Hauptmissionen verteilt, die in Einzelspieler-Modi oder in Multiplayer-Coop-Modi gespielt werden können. * Gameplay, das auf offenen Umgebungen basiert, erlaubt dem Spieler viele verschiedene Wege und Annäherungsmöglichkeiten an den Feind, um ihn zu schlagen. * 10 Multiplayer-Level für bis zu 4 Spieler in Deathmatch- und Teammodi sowie für 2 Spieler im Coop-Modus. * Realistische Umgebungswiedergabe, einschließlich Laub-, Wasser- und Wettereffekte. * Mehr als 20 authentische Waffen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg. * Feindangriffe alleine oder als Teil einer militärischen Einheit. * Soundeffekte vom preisgekrönten Medal of Honor-Sound-Design-Team von EALA. * Gewährleistete Authentizität durch den technischen Militärberater Capt. Dale Dye.
Source: - GameCube/PlayStation 2/Xbox
Authentic WWII combat on Nintendo GameCube
Immerse yourself in the Pacific Theatre of World War II in this first-person shooter from Electronic Arts. Be an army of one.
Historical accuracy reaches new heights with Medal of Honor: Rising Sun. From the first breathtaking level--a re-creation of the attack on Pearl Harbor--to an island-hopping campaign that takes you from the Philippines to Guadalcanal, MOH:RS takes no prisoners when it comes to quality. Use sniper rifles, grenades, pistols, machine-gun nests and more to take our your Axis foes, then try riding as gunner on the back of an elephant for a little variety. Everything in the game has been meticulously researched, so weapons all look, sound and fire like their real-life counterparts, uniforms are spot-on accurate and your foes' tactics mirror those used during the war. It's a gaming experience you'll never forget.
- 10 enormous levels with multiple objectives
- More than 20 real-world weapons
- Two-person co-op multiplayer for the entire game
- Four-person deathmatch multiplayer
- A deep story that ties in to the upcoming Medal of Honor
Bottom Line
Get on the ready line, Marine, because it's time to kick some Axis tail! Medal of Honor: Rising Sun takes you as close to the battlefield as you'll ever want to get.
Source: – Nintendo GameCube
Pack your gear, head to the Pacific, and fight Japanese imperialism in Medal of Honor Rising Sun. In this installment of the top-selling Medal of Honor series, Marine Corporal Joseph Griffin must endure some of the fiercest battles fought during WWII; crucial assignments ranging from surviving the devastating attack on Pearl Harbor, destroying the Bridge over the River Kwai, a midnight raid on Guadalcanal, and triumphing in the final showdown with Colonel Shima.
Players will take on five multi-part missions spanning ten massive open environment levels, all of which add up to one complete storyline. The experience begins with the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 aboard the U.S.S. California where players will fight off Japanese attacks and witness the destruction of the American fleet. Players will travel to Guadalcanal to destroy fortified Japanese gun emplacements and lead the assault on Henderson Field.
Players will have to use stealth as they travel to Singapore to search for information pertaining to a stolen cache of Japanese gold and escape on a stolen speedboat. Meet up with the British and the legendary Flying Tigers in Burma while discovering the secret of Yamashita’s gold, and then destroy the Bridge over the River Kwai.
Choose single player or the new two-player co-op mode to experience life as a Marine in the Pacific during the most difficult years of the war. Players can also choose four-player split screen deathmatch and team modes for head-to-head action.
Storytelling will be increased through interaction with squad members as the player progresses through the game. Each squad member will have a story arc that will be revealed as the game continues. Griffin’s friends and foes come to life with much improved AI and AI animation interaction within each environment. Characters, friend and foe alike, will use the environment around them for protection and cover when under attack.
Key Features
- Ten massive levels of gameplay spread across five major missions that can be played in single-player or two-player co-op modes, based on real events that occurred during World War II.
- Open environment based gameplay allows players to take multiple paths and approaches to defeat the enemy.
- Ten multiplayer levels for up to four players in deathmatch and team modes and two players in co-op mode.
- Realistic environment rendering, including foliage, water, and weather effects.
- Over 20 authentic WWII weapons.
- Attack enemy units alone and as part of a crack military squad.
- Sound effects by the award winning Medal of Honor sound design team at EA LA.
- Authentic WWII feel with the assistance military technical advisor Capt. Dale Dye.
Source: – GameCube
Tora! Tora! Tora! The events of Pearl Harbor signal your return to the horrors of WWII first person shooters
The Medal of Honor series is one of the most revered FPSs ever to grace PS one and PS2. Most recently, Medal of Honour Frontline on PS2 managed to create a stunning and sometimes chilling sensation of actually being part of the Allied invasion of occupied France. The opening beach landing level will go down in the annals of gaming history as one of the most absorbing and darkly beautiful FPS sequences ever. Now the series shifts its attention from the now cooling war in Europe to the still blazing conflict in the Pacific as you face the might of the Imperial Japanese forces.
As Marine Corporal Joseph Griffin you must face some of the most gruelling battles of the latter stages of WWII. Once you have struggled through the devastation of the attack on Pearl Harbor, you are required to destroy the bridge over the River Kwai, perform a midnight raid on Guadalcanal and coming face to face with the mighty Colonel Shima. In all, 10 levels of humid horror lay ahead but you are well-equipped for the challenges they throw at you, with your Thompson SMG, rifle, pistol and grenades as your standard kit, along with sniper rifles and mounted heavy machine guns padding out your arsenal. To further help you through your missions you can team up with a comrade and fight the Nippon nasties in the all-new split-screen Co-op mode. You can even take the action online via a Network Adaptor and face the perils of the Pacific across 10 multiplayer levels for up to four players. The war is far from over.
- 10 authentically detailed levels for solo or co-op play and 10 multiplayer maps for online play
- Over 20 WWII weapons
- Multiple paths through the levels mean your tactics play a key role
- Team up with British forces and the legendary Burmese Flying Tigers
Play as Marine Corporal Joseph Griffin in a far-reaching tale of two brothers in Medal of Honor™ Rising Sun, the next game in the award-winning Medal of Honor™ franchise. As Japanese forces seek to expand their dominion over the Pacific, you must use stealth, commando tactics, and sabotage to turn the tide in your favour.
Contributed by Evil Ryu, Corn Popper, Xoleras, DreinIX, skl, Starbuck the Third.