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Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance

aka: Guerra nas Estrelas: X-Wing Alliance, XWA

Windows credits (1999)

186 people (176 professional roles, 10 thanks) with 206 credits.

Project Leader Lawrence Holland
Mission Programming Lawrence Holland
Deathstar Programming David Litwin
Graphics / Artwork Armand Cabrera, James McLeod, Mondo Media
3D Modelling Richard Green, James McLeod, Steven Moore
3D Animation Armand Cabrera
Level / Scenario Design Morgan Whitney Gray, Bill Morrison, David Wessman
Interface & Network Programming Albert Mack
3D & Special Effects Programming Michael Zyracki
HUD & Cockpit Programming Alberto Fonseca
Proving Ground & Hangar Programming Timothy Ramsay
Device & Special Effects Programming Kevin Deus
Texturemapping Thomas L. Denmark, William L. Eaken, Stephen Greek, Chan Ho Lee, Corey Keller, Steven Moore, Mark Wilson
Interface Art Thomas L. Denmark
Production Manager Dan Connors
Additional Skirmish Design John Drake
Lead Tester John Drake
Testers Phillip Berry, Jeffrey Day, Erik O'Keady, Stephen Hancock, John Hannon, Brent Jay Andaya Jalipa II, Darren Koepp, Jesse Moore, Jeff Sanders, Torii Swader, Julio Torres, Marcus P. Gaines
International Lead Tester Dana Fong
Compatibility Testing Karsten Agler, Darren Brown, James Davison, Jason Lauborough, Dan Mihoerck, Charles W. Smith, Lynn Taylor
Multiplayer Compatibility Testing Doyle Gilstrap Jr., Scott Tingley
Compatibility Supervisor Chip Hinnenberg
Quality Assurance Supervisor Dan Pettit
Assistant Lead Testers John Buzolich, Todd Stritter
Quality Assurance Manager Mark Cartwright
Script Editing Doug Barnett
Additional Programming Samuel Fortiner, Peter Lincroft
3D Tools Programming Dan Gorlin, Steve Lady, Wade Lady
Launcher/Installer Programming Nolan Erck
I MUSE Music System Peter McConnell, Michael McMahon
Acting / Voiceovers Dominic Armato, Bob Bergen, Julianne Buescher, Cam Clarke, John Cygan, Denny Delk, Dave Fennoy, Robert Foster, Dan Hagen, Steven Jay Blum, Nick Jameson, David Jeremiah, Tom Kane, Katherine Lee, Bill E. Martin, Charles Martinet, Jarion Monroe, Jeff Patterson, Philip Proctor, Sydney Rainin-Smith, Rachel Reenstra, Neil Ross, Joanna Rubiner, Michael Sorich, Andre Ware
Product Support Wesley Anderson, Anthony Burquez, Brian Carlson, Larry Collins, Jay Geraci, Brad Grantham, Eric Knudson, David Leighton, Paul Purdy, Scott Taylor, Steven Young
Product Support Manager Dan Gossett
Product Support Supervisor Dave Harris
Product Support Project Liaison Alejandro Romero
Special Thanks to Wayne Cline, Brett J. Douville, Darren Johnson, JuliaRose Kloepping, Tim Longo, Bret Mogilefsky, Stacy A. Mollema, Dan Riha
Very Special Thanks To George Lucas
International Programming Judith Lucero
International Coordinators Theresa O'Connor, Adam Pasztory
INSANE Video Compression Vince Lee, André Bremer
Lead Art Technician Josef Richardson
Art Technicians Evan Birkby, Chris Tomera, Chris Doyle, Paul Murphy, Richard Larm
Voice Producer/Director Darragh O'Farrell
Voice Editors William A. Beckman, Cindy F. Wong
Voice Production Coordinator Peggy Bartlett
Voice Department Manager Tamlynn Niglio
Lead Sound Designer Julian Kwasneski
Music Editors Michael Z. Land, Clint Bajakian
iMUSE Music System Michael McMahon, Peter McConnell, Michael Z. Land
Sound Department Manager Michael Z. Land
Sound Department Coordinator Kristen Becht
Product Marketing Manager Joel Dreskin
Manual Writers Victor Cross, Mollie Boero, Doyle Gilstrap Jr., John Drake, Doug Barnett
Manual Designer Patty Hill
Package Design Soo Hoo Design
Package Cover Art Richard Green
Technical Writers Lynn Taylor, Chip Hinnenberg
Publisher Liaison Robin Holland
Support and Marketing Liaison Peter Leahy
Development Support Noelle Pellowski
All Music composed and conducted by John T. Williams

Deutsche Version

Projektleitung Andreas Herbertz
Produktmanager Petra Mock
Übersetzung Iris Kelly, Andreas Herbertz, Rüdiger Mörsch
Handbuch Iris Kelly
Fachliche Beratung Markus Ludolf
Lektorat Max Steller
Tester Michael Milan, Andre Dorfmüller, Michael Schievenbusch, Thomas Baedorff, Mike Biniasch, Ingo Vogt, Peter Malitka, Timo Prill, Stefan Köller, Jochen Vandenberg, Robert Polanski, Martin Vornstein, Mike Schick
Gestaltung Heiko Höpfner, Jörg Jahns
Sprachproduktion Nils Bote
Tontechniker Martin Ruiz, Willi Großmann
Schnitt Thomas Buchhorn, Andreas Herbertz, Nils Bote
Litho ZerO
Recorded at the G&G Studios
German Voice Actors Renier Baaken, Rainer Bärensprung, Hans Bayer, Dirk Fenselau, Peter Harting, Gregor Höppner, Michaela Kametz, Hans Gerd Kilbinger, Thomas Krause, Pius Maria Küppers, Kordula Leisse, Jürg Löw, Axel Ludwig, Norman Matt, Markus Pfeiffer, Frauke Poolman, Stephan Schleberger, Alexander Schottky, Karl Heinz Tafel, Daniel Werner, Volker Wolf, Rainer Will, Lucius Woyth
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Credits contributed by The Greek, Accatone, formercontrib.