Main Title / Main Menu
Selecting campaign to play.
Loading screens vary from mission to mission.
Going through tutorial first may prove helpful as missions are rather fast and dynamic.
During tutorial you get acquainted with all your commandos, and learn more important tricks of trade, like how to blow up a tank.
Mission briefing screen.
While you're busy taking down enemy soldiers, on small screen you can see how enemy sniper is busy taking down your comrades.
After heavy bombarding, enemy reinforcements arrived to deal with what's left of your men.
As map is zoomed out, you can see how further away picture is more fuzzy due to a rainstorm effect.
German Wehrmacht pushing anti-tank cannon towards your line of defense, gotta take them down while there's still time.
Disposing of armoured vehicle with a precise shot from a bazooka.
Prepping to steal an enemy airplane.
Breaking out of the prison.
Peeking through the door on the other side, you can see your fellow commandos.
In the heart of Berlin, of course, direct approach won't get you far around here.
Once any of your characters get killed (not the skull in the lower right corner), the mission is over.
Trying to reach the locomotive unnoticed.
Stealing the german truck... and trying to run over the enemy infantry in the process.
A fierce battle with time and enemy troops on the speeding train.
You can get a look at any enemy on-screen soldier with an F5, but only those that are outside the houses.
Enemy infantry advancing to your position.
Crippling down enemy armoured reinforcements.
German gunboats are prepping to cross path with D-Day offensive.
Sinking german ships using magnetic mines.
D-Day mission to take control over, or watch how german machinegun nests mow down your comrades.
In order to accomplish some missions, you must first get behind enemy lines.
Commandos are tired, must rest? No!
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