The Messenger

Moby ID: 106052

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Nintendo Switch credits (2018)

223 people (17 professional roles, 206 thanks) with 228 credits.

The Messenger

Companies Sabotage, Devolver Digital, CMF | FMC
Production Management Magalie Allard
Game Design Thierry Boulanger
Direction Thierry Boulanger
Writing Thierry Boulanger
Code Thierry Boulanger
Finances Martin Brouard
Marketing Martin Brouard
Community Management Martin Brouard
Music and Sound Design Eric W. Brown
Main Programming Sylvain Cloutier
Level Design Philippe Dionne
Quality Assurance Carl Dubreuil
Level Art and Backgrounds Michaël Lavoie
Character Art and Animation Savannah Perron, Jean-Luc Savard
Additional Programming Marc-André Girard
Additional Art Marc-Antoine Jean, Kristaux l'animateux
Shout-out to the rest of the Sabotage Crew Ricardo Bourgoin-Beaulieu, Mathieu Dunlay, Pier-Luc Girard, Jeakim Hamel, Frédérik Rodrigue
Japanese Localization Kimitaka Ogawa
Special Thanks Kali le ptit pitou [RIP], Henri le chat [RIP], Suki le chien [RIP], Donkey Kong Country 2, Martin William Akehurst, Roberto Assmegua, Francois-Gabriel Auclair, Damon Baker, Pierre-Louis Barbier, Philip Barclay, Rodrigo Batelli, Marc-André Bédard, Philippe Bégin, Maxime Bélanger, Salima Bessahraoui, Shane Bettenhausen, Louis Blackburn, Julie Blouin, Bruno Boilard, Carl Bolduc, Pauline Bolduc, Yves Bordeleau, Marie-Christine Bourdua, Stéphane Bourgeois, Jany Bourget, Them Nekrogoblikon boys, Those Swashbuck boys, Some Vale boys, Tom Bramall, Rosalie Brouard, Juliette Brouard, Marianne Brouard, Charles Burroughs, Le Camp, Thaïzone Cartier, Louis-Félix Cauchon, Charles Cauchon, Chris Charla, Guillaume Charpenet, Suki le chat, Kangourou le chat, Lilas le chat, Yuki le chat, Murky le chat, Dali le chien, Nathalie Clermont, Comméléo Studios, Vanessa Douglas Comms, Stéphane Cosentino, Cosmocover, Lambert Manor and it's high court, Anna Courtmanch, Steve Couture, René Crescent, The Asss crew, The Ste-Agathe crew, Sophie Cristobal, Dave Crouse, Philippe D'Amours, Christina Daigle, Mylene Desrosiers, Smigo Dessma, Édouard Diamant-Robert, Devolver Digital, Fabian Mario Döhla, Osama Dorias, Adam Drucker (credited as Doseone), Mother Dragoneyes, Father Dragoneyes, Julie Drapeau-Renaud, Joel Dreskin, Will Dubé, Jean-Sébastien Duberger, Edouard Dubreuil, Mike Ducarme, The Cloutier-Thériault Family, The Lavoie Family, The Turgeon-Ferland Family, The Savard-Blais Family, The Boulanger-Lafrenère Family, Mariona Ferrer, Alexandre Fiset, Martine Forand, Jessika Fortin, Vieko Franetovic, Canada Media Fund, Jean-Christophe Gagnon, Pierre-Luc Gagnon, Gamenuts, Kert Gartner, Tom Giardino, Jonathan Michael Gibson, Delphine Gingras (Ptiboo), Maïra Girard-Lapointe, Andie Grace, Marie-Christine Guimont, Denis Hamel, Patrick Healey, Philémon Heutte, Zachary Huntley, Bennie Terry III, James Morgan III, Cyrille Imbert, Oddworld Inhabitants, Maxence Jacquier, Doug Johns, Jos+Raph+Ophé+Aleks, Eli le super QA junior, Tobias Kammer, Lucien Knobel, Emily Jennings, Jean-François Labadie, Simon Lachance (Lachhh), Serge Landry, Noah Lane, Lorne Lanning, Jessie Lapointe, Jonathan Lavigne, Ann-Marie Leblond, Brett Lewis, Dimitrios Lianopoulos, Nigel Lowrie, Kate Ludlow, Maman Mallet, Guillaume Marceau, Jocelyn Martle, Sherry McKenna, Mckenzie, Indie MEGABOOTH, Atul Nath Mehra, Laurent Mercure, Dave Mianowski, Harry Miller, Rebeca Vélez Mínguez, Karen Mitchell, The MIX, Val Mo, Pierre Moisan, Captain Morgan, Hugo Morin, Jean-François Morneau, Navi, Jean-Simon Otis, Stack Overflow, David-Dion Paquet, Jeremy Parish, Fork Parker, Andrew Parsons, Robbie Paterson, Indigo Pearl, Monica Perazzo, Papa Perron, Olivier Petit, La Planque, Michel Poirier, Lionbridge Poland, PopAgenda, Sara Popescu, Tinsley PR, Guillaume Provost, Jack Quan, Caisse Populaire Desjardings de Québec, La guilde des développeurs de jeux videéo du Québec, Véronique Rainville, Julie Rioux, Jason Della Rocca, Jonathan Rosales (JR), Astrid Rosemarin, Anna Sajecka, Maksym Sapetto, Thomas Schulenberg, Kirk Scott, JM Specht, Welat St-Joseph, Geneviève St-Onge, Graeme Struthers, Fat Kraken Studios, Rick Stults, Jared Stults, Derek Tardif, Télé-Québec, Angelica M. Terry, Don Thacker, Stephanie Tinsley Fitzwilliam, Yujin Tsuruta, Alyssum Turgeon-Ferland, John Tyrrell, Karolina Urban, Brett Vance, Stephanie Jordan Vance, Nicolas Bertrand-Verge, Benoît Verreault, Bernice Wakefield, David Weiser, Mike Wilson, Justin Woodward, Nyssa Woznicki, Christopher Wulf, Keiji Yamagishi, Hideo Yoshizawa
And Thank YOU for playing <3 <3 <3
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MobyPro Early Access

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Credits contributed by Rik Hideto, Sciere.