18 Wheels of Steel: Across America

Moby ID: 10404

Jesteś whaścicielem firmy transportowej i odpowiadasz wylącznie przed sobą. Podejmuj się zleceń i zademonstruj klienton, że jesteś w stanie przewozić towary szybciej niż konkurencja. Zarządjaą swoimi funduszami i przedsiębiorstwen, by budować swoje imperium zlecenie za zleceniem.

Pozuj moc 15 gigantów szos, mkną autostradą z prędkością 130 na godzinę. Zarabiaj dużą forsę, transportujac przez caly kraj ponad 30 rodzajóv towardow, takich jak bydlo chemikalia i przenośne domy.

Staraj się dobierać ladunek w taki sposób, by osiagnąć maksymalny zysk, lecz nie przesadzaj -jeśli przeciążysz swój whikul, uszkodzisz go podczas wykonoywania zadania. Pomylka będzie kosztować Cię nie tylko pieniądze, ale też i przyszle tlecenia.

Zacznij od niewielkich zasobów pieniężnych i dowiedż że stać Cię na zaryzykowanie wszystkim, co masz. Przetrwaj w wielkim świecie transportu drogowego i inwestuj w dziesiątki modernizacji swoich cięćarówek. Teraz możesz tworzyć swoja renomę na trasach od wybrzeża do wybrzeża.Transportuj ładunki przez 48 stanów. Dbaj o to, by wypadki, zla pogoda i kaprysy policij nie zaszkodzily twoim zobowiązaniom i zyskom.


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From trucker to tycoon…

You’re the owner of your own trucking business and you answer to no one. Bid on jobs and show ‘em you got what it takes to deliver faster than the competition. Manage your money and your business to build your empire one delivery at a time.

Drive your big rig to become King of the Road! * Slackers need not apply! Start with little cash and prove you’ve got the guts to risk it all. Make it big in the world of trucking and use your cash to add dozens of upgrades to your trucks. * Can you handle the pressure? Protect your delivery times and your bottom line against accidents, bad weather and even the police. How are you going to handle these trucking nightmares? * You asked for it! Now you can hit the road to build your reputation coast to coast. Transport cargo across 48 states to bring in the big bucks. * Prove you ain’t no amateur big rigger. Back up to loading docks, manager your fuel and maintain your trucks in peak condition. * Control each delivery for maximum payout, but don’t overload your rigs or damage them during transport. Mistakes cost you money and future jobs. * Feel the power of 15 mammoth machines as you rumble down the highway at 80 mph. * Haul 30+ types of goods, including livestock, chemicals and mobile homes, cross country to bring in the big bucks. * Rule the roads as you drive your mammoth over 1000s of miles of highway across the continuous 48 states. Drive your big rig to become King of the Road! * Slackers need not apply! Start with little cash and prove you’ve got the guts to risk it all. Make it big in the world of trucking and use your cash to add dozens of upgrades to your trucks. * Can you handle the pressure? Protect your delivery times and your bottom line against accidents, bad weather and even the police. How are you going to handle these trucking nightmares? * You asked for it! Now you can hit the road to build your reputation coast to coast. Transport cargo across 48 states to bring in the big bucks. * Prove you ain’t no amateur big rigger. Back up to loading docks, manager your fuel and maintain your trucks in peak condition. * Control each delivery for maximum payout, but don’t overload your rigs or damage them during transport. Mistakes cost you money and future jobs * Feel the power of 15 mammoth machines as you rumble down the highway at 80 mph. * Haul 30+ types of goods, including livestock, chemicals and mobile homes, cross country to bring in the big bucks. * Rule the roads as you drive your mammoth over 1000s of miles of highway across the continuous 49 states.



Heed the call of the open road, throw the gears in motion and take off in a tractor trailer. Drive faster than your competition, haul your cargo across the entire United States and feel the wind in your face as you control your own destiny. Blast the horn and build a career in the fast-paced world of trucking.

Keep in mind that there's more to being a successful businessman than just driving fast. You've got to manage your money, keep your rig running smooth and watch out for speed traps that might trip you up. Bad weather? Fuel troubles? Tricky loading docks that require pinpoint precision? It's all part of life in the cab of a 18-wheeler. If you've got the guts, jump in a truck and head out for the highway.


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Contributed by Patrick Bregger, Foxhack.

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