Game selection screen.
Terrify the Trunchbull screen.
Get Rid of Miss Trunchbull: Title screen.
Get Rid of Miss Trunchbull: A video clip from the film.
Get Rid of Miss Trunchbull: There are four possible answers to choose from for each object mentioned in the clip.
A Truly Terrible Test: Difficulty level selection screen.
A Truly Terrible Test: A question with four possible answers.
Make Magic with Matilda: Title screen.
Make Magic with Matilda: When the player has found a pair, part of the picture is revealed.
Classroom Games: Game selection screen.
Math Magic: Narrated instructions.
Math Magic: Answering a math problem just by counting with the player's hands.
Spelling Bee: Narrated instructions.
Spelling Bee: One letter correct.
Spelling Bee: I spelled the word correctly!
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