The start of the installation proces. As with the WIndows installation there are both Compact and Typical options
The title screen
Yup! The lobby is just the same
There's no smooth transition between entering the lobby and getting to the check in desk
The main classroom area. There are hot spots here to view videos, go onto the internett, practice etc. The lower menu bar takes the player to the games area
The hall of games
RagTime: The game plays just the same as the Windows version
RagTie: This is what the game measures. Remember to stick to the metronome beat
Space Junk: Whenever the player types a sequence of letters correctlly the gun fires and destroys the incoming junk which in this case is a potato
Road Race: The opposing car is only seen clearly at the start. The first time through the background was the same as screenshot 13.
Check-out Time: This game uses just the numbers.1
Check-out Time: At the end of a run the game shows all the goods, and more, falling into the player's bag. This is followed by a results screen
Chameleon Picnic: This game is the same as the Sindows version
Shark Attack: When the player types too slowly the shark in the rer view mirror gets bigger and bigger
Penguin Crossing: A speed test, harder than some because the player does noyt know the next word until they have correctly entered the current one
Penguin Crossing: There's a little animation at the end of ta successful game. The penguin leaps onto the ice at the other side and knocks his fellow penguins over
Are we missing some important screenshots? Contribute.