Tetris Forever
Tetris Forever

Stick Cricket: Super League

Moby ID: 103610

[ Android ] [ iPad add ] [ iPhone add ]

Android credits (2016)

18 people

Published & Developed by Stick Sports

Producers Colin Rowe, Paul Collins
Game Design Matt Clements
Art Douglas Hand
Marketing Jono Russell
Music Richard Collins
Project Management Murad Akhter
Technical Producer Abdul Wasay Mughal
Engineering Nauman Minhas, Aitzaz Ahmad, Farooq Asif, Azhar Yousuf, Hassan Yar Khalid, Maaz Azhar, Bilal Chaudhry
Technical Advisor Saad Altaf
QA Testing Adeel Zahir, Usama Awan
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Other Games


In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by Kabushi.