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Cabbage Patch Kids Adventures in the Park

aka: Cabbage Patch Kids
Moby ID: 10269

ColecoVision version

Cute side scrolling adventure.

The Good
The graphics are very advanced for a Coleco game. It's silly and kid friendly. The game market was crashing at the time it came out so it was easy to get new for $5.

The Bad
Cabbage patch mania was in full swing at release time but it couldn't help as the whole market was going down. The game engine is pretty good and would have worked just as well without a franchised theme.

The Bottom Line
Basic side scrolling action game. Very similar to the Smurfs. Walk your Cabbage Patch Kid past several screens worth of obstacles. Do a little jumping here. Some swinging there. Some bouncing over there. And back to the first screen, do a little dance, and start all over.

by gametrader (208) on February 22, 2006

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