Transformers: Cybertron Adventures
Transformers: Cybertron Adventures is the Wii version of Transformers: War for Cybertron. Unlike other platforms, the Wii version is a rail shooter with gameplay similar to the Time Crisis series. A player automatically moves from one area to another, defeating all enemies in each area using provided cover. Sometime the player character will transform into a vehicle and he will need to destroy obstacles on the way.
The game features a campaign for both the Autobots and Decepticons, and each campaign contains 8 levels and a challenge mode that allows player to replay campaign missions with extra objectives for each. The game also features offline co-op.
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Credits (Wii version)
439 People (369 developers, 70 thanks) · View all
Programming | |
Sound Design | |
Front End Design and Art | |
Character Art | |
Environment Art | |
Character Art | |
[ full credits ] |
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Game added by Stratege.
Game added January 27, 2018. Last modified December 18, 2024.