Game Groups > Saints Row series
Saints Row is a series of games developed by Volition. It has an open sandbox-like gameplay with a design similar to the Grand Theft Auto series, but with a more humorous and looser take on the third-person shooting and driving.
In June 2010 THQ announced Saints Row: Drive By as a title for the 3DS. Later the XBLA platform (Xbox 360) and PSN (PS3) were also added. In May 2011, however, THQ confirmed that the game was cancelled. Saints Row: Undercover was in development for PSP, but was cancelled without being officially announced.
Related links
- Wikipedia: Saints Row (article in the open encyclopedia)
Related Groups
- BPjS / BPjM indexed games
- Character Feature: Actual person's looks and voice
- Gameplay feature: Game completion percentage
- Gameplay feature: In-game achievements
- Genre: Open world / Free-roaming / Sandbox action and driving
- Middleware: SpeedTree
- Physics Engine: Havok
- PlayStation 3 Essentials Range releases
- Protagonist: Gangster
- Setting: Cyberspace
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