Game Groups > PSP greatest hits releases
Games available for the Playstation Portable which have been re-released in "Greatest Hits" packages. These are usually represented by a red bar along the top of the package and a "Greatest Hits" subtitle underneath the bar". The criteria for being a Greatest Hits title is that the game must have been on the market for a minimum of 9 months, and have sold over 250,000 copies. Greatest Hits Editions are usually budget priced.
Related Groups
- Console Generation Exclusives: PlayStation 2
- Console Generation Exclusives: PlayStation 3
- PlayStation 2 Greatest Hits releases
- PlayStation 2 Platinum Range releases
- PlayStation 3 Greatest Hits releases
- PlayStation Greatest Hits releases
- PlayStation Platinum Range releases
- Protagonist: Female (option)
- PSP Essentials range releases
- PSP Platinum Range releases
31 Games [ view in game browser ] [ add game ]