Game Groups > Kunio / Nekketsu High games
Games centering around the character Kunio, the Shin Nekketsu High School where he is a student, and other recurrent characters.
Downtown SMASH Dodgeball! which was developed by Miracle Kidz is spiritual successor to the Super Dodgeball line of games. Miracle Kidz was mainly made up of previous Technos employees so the lineage is there. While Downtown SMASH Dodgeball! was not an official Kunio game, Miracle Kidz did get a chance to make an official Kunio game with Downtown Nekketsu Dodgeball, and also had plans for a River City Ransom sequel titled Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari 2 but that game was cancelled.
Related Groups
- Breakout variants
- Console Generation Exclusives: PlayStation 2
- Console Generation Exclusives: PlayStation 3
- Console Generation Exclusives: SNES
- Console Generation Exclusives: Wii
- Eroge / Hentai games
- Genre: Scrolling shoot 'em up
- Manga / anime licensees
- Mario games
- Theme: School
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