Game Groups > Gameplay feature: Day / night cycle
Games that feature a day and night cycle, including specific time signifiers such as dawn, afternoon, midnight, etc., usually indicated by an in-game clock, graphical background, or any equivalent feature indicating the passing of time. Games that have this feature may also introduce time specific events, such as different monsters, sub-quests, or equivalent events which may only be accessible at a specified period of time.
Games in this game group must also introduce a direct gameplay consequence.
[For adventure and role-playing games]
Character A receives a sub-quest to hunt down vampires. Shops selling wooden stakes are only open during the day. Vampires do not roam during the day. Hence, character A must buy relevant equipment during the day and wait until nightfall to perform the quest.
[For strategy and simulation games]
Units are harder to detect, travel less frequently, and gain movement penalties at night. However, they are easier to make camouflage checks and can also commence ambush attacks at night more successfully.
- Games that may feature a day and night cycle, however do not additionally feature unique events related to the differences of time (e.g. only a graphical feature) should be excluded from this game group; the passing of time in itself is not enough to qualify for this game group. This also includes games where time is only presented as a deadline reminder or only a graphical feature of limited vision (which is more of a light/darkness feature than it is a day/night cycle feature).
- Games where a day and night feature is only due to a trigger effect from a plot driven quest (e.g. time only advances when finishing a quest) or due to entering a specific location, should be excluded from this game group. A day and night cycle must always be in effect regardless of the player's actions, unless the game in mention is turn-based.
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