Game Groups > Animals: Primates (monkeys or apes)
What is it with people's obsession with monkeys!? These are games that feature monkeys, apes (chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans, etc.), and other (non-human) primates as a major part of its gameplay.
- Games in which a monkey only appears as an enemy or boss or other minor part of the game should not be included in this group.
- We have no idea if sasquatch, bigfoot, and yeti qualify as a primate. Those games have their own category.
Related Groups
- Console Generation Exclusives: GameCube
- Console Generation Exclusives: SNES
- Console Generation Exclusives: Wii
- Donkey Kong games
- Enhanced ports / Port differences
- Gameplay feature: Multiple endings
- Games that include map/level editor
- Mario franchise
- Setting: Aquatic / Underwater
- Theme: Sea pirates
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