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Forums > MobyGames > [v6.2] Dec, 3 - MobyGames™ Game Group Master List

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Indra was here (20735) on 11/24/2010 5:18 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

Version: v6.2 - Added more groups. Note: Game series, licensees, and compilations excluded from this list. Categorization is also a bit messy.

Game Group Title Guide:

  • The first letter in subsequent non-game title words should be in lower case, e.g. Games with dwarven bikinis - not - Games with Dwarven Bikinis;
  • When dealing with non-English titles, the English title (if available) should be mentioned before the non-English title, e.g. Ace Attorney / Gyakuten Saiban series - not - Gyakuten Saiban / Ace Attorney series;
  • When a front slash (/) is used, remember to add a space in between to avoid possible bad search engine results, e.g. Ace Attorney / Gyakuten Saiban - not - Ace Attorney/Gyakuten Saiban series.

Game Group Info:

  • [Game Group Name] series: Used to identify non-derivative (read=originally a game and not based on a previous product) games belonging to the same;
  • [Name] licensees: Used to identify games that were based on a previous licensed product (example: based on the Star Wars franchise;
  • [Name] games: Used to identify games not related to series, usually a theme (unclear, need description update, disambiguation with -themed games);
  • [Name]-themed games: Used to identify games with specific themes (unclear, need description update, disambiguation with above);
  • [Name] setting: Used to identify games with specific geographical areas? or cultural? or time periods?;
  • [Game Group Name] universe: Used to identify games that include both official and unofficial games of the same series (unclear, need description update);
  • [Name] variant: Used to identify games that mimic gameplay of a specific game and may be identified as being directly inspired by or more bluntly, a clone;
  • Automobile: [Name]: Used to specifically identify a game using mentioned automobile;
  • Aircraft: [Name]: Used to specifically identify a game using mentioned aircraft;
  • [Name] protagonists: Used when a specific type of character is identifiable as the lead/main character(s);
  • Game Engine: [Name]: Used to specifically identify a game using mentioned game engine.

Game Group Info (Incorrect Use):

  • [Name] clone: Incorrect use of jargon. Use variant instead.

Game Group Info (Unclear Use):

  • [Name] clone: Incorrect use of jargon. Use variant instead;
  • [Name] collections: (use unclear, need description update);
  • [Name] compilations: (use unclear, need description update);
  • [Name] conversions: (use unclear, need description update);
  • [Name] gamebook adaptations: (use unclear, need description update);
  • [Name] gamebook conversions: (use unclear, need description update);
  • [Name] legacy: (use unclear, need description update);
  • [Name] tie-ins: (use unclear, need description update);
  • [Name] translations: (use unclear, need description update);
  • [Name] trilogy: (use unclear, need description update);
  • [Name]-type Shooters: (use unclear, need description update);
  • [Name] versions: (use unclear, need description update);
  • [Name] world: (use unclear, need description update).

The Arts

Animal+ Game Groups (request title and content standardization)


Genres: Gameplay Features (bit confused here)

Genres: Gameplay Adaptations No idea what this means either

Genres: Gameplay Variants

Genres: Traditional Gaming Adaptation

Sub-Genres: Timeline (request title standardization)

Sub-Genre: Theater of War

Sub-Genres: Uh...Cultural Setting

Sub-Genres: Unidentifiable Theme

Sub-Genre: Sports

Er...Game Groups


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Alaka (110506) on 11/24/2010 6:09 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Bhatara Dewa Indra wrote--]

  • Games with bullfighting [/Q --end Bhatara Dewa Indra wrote--] I wonder if Pyschonauts is eligible for this group. :)
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    Unicorn Lynx (181645) on 11/25/2010 5:19 AM · Permalink · Report

    Good work, Indra. I like this. I wonder if there is a way to implement these "Game Group Groups" in the browser?

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    vedder (75617) on 11/25/2010 9:17 AM · Permalink · Report

    Great work! It's interesting to see what's out there in this ordered fashion. It also shows (as you already pointed out) on where we can create standards and where obvious groups are still missing. Keep it up!

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    Indra was here (20735) on 11/26/2010 1:26 PM · Permalink · Report

    Updated...only up to C.


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    vedder (75617) on 11/26/2010 1:53 PM · Permalink · Report

    "Games with the homeless" should be renamed "Homeless protagonists" and moved to the corresponding category.

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    Rola (8478) on 11/26/2010 4:45 PM · Permalink · Report

    Genres: Time Setting => Historical periods ?

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    Indra was here (20735) on 11/26/2010 4:50 PM · Permalink · Report

    Er, yeah. Can't use the word historical. Would be incorrect if the time period was in the future or pre-historic.

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    Unicorn Lynx (181645) on 11/26/2010 5:07 PM · Permalink · Report

    Bad Guys games (game group stuck in system limbo)

    What does this mean?

    By the way, I submitted a revision for that group, and it just got "magically" approved... what's going on?

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    Indra was here (20735) on 11/26/2010 5:27 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start חד-קרן·山猫 wrote--]Bad Guys games (game group stuck in system limbo)

    What does this mean?

    By the way, I submitted a revision for that group, and it just got "magically" approved... what's going on? [/Q --end חד-קרן·山猫 wrote--] The game group is not officially online (does not show up in search results). It somewhat got deleted but the system screwed itself and could not complete the deletion. Last time I checked, even the admins couldn't get rid of them (read=ghost in da machine/programmer screw-up), so they're stuck in the Official MobyGames Purgatory™ as far as we know.

    It's similar to yet-to-be-approved-games, the address is:

    http://www.mobygames.com/game-group/3666 <---numerical
    when instead (if approved) should be

    Don't touch these. I'm just listing them for an admin heads up. No telling what might happen if you muck around with that. Last time I got 'creative' we ended up with Barbie games in half of the game groups (visible only to the approvers). Big screw-up that. :p

    Barbie spirits taking their revenge on me. Probably for all the years I kept teasing them and their pink ponies. Not entirely sure why it had to be the Barbie spirits and not some supernatural entity. Spirituality my infernal arse. :p

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    Unicorn Lynx (181645) on 11/26/2010 5:30 PM · Permalink · Report

    Why was the group deleted/put in purgatory? It's a cool group. What was wrong with it?

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    Indra was here (20735) on 11/26/2010 5:35 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

    Boy, you sure got a short memory, mate. Don't you remember that flame war we had when none of us could decide the good/evil/bad/gray/whatever aspect ratio?

    Basically, all our ideas of good/bad/evil did not come to a definite conclusion: game X is deemed to be a bad/evil protagonist to me but not to you, etc.

    Example cases used then were among others GTA and God of War.

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    Indra was here (20735) on 11/27/2010 10:01 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

    Updated a bit. Judging from the patterns of game groups and their content, besides the lack of title standards, more problematic issues revolve around:

    Vague themes:
    As I suspected, a lot of themes are overlapping and abstract. Overlapping consists of among others:

    [1] Protagonists (read=controllable chicken)
    [2] Prominent representation of gameplay (read=a lot chickens)
    [3] Non-prominent representation of gameplay (read=any chicken)
    [4] Not a representation of gameplay (read=passing chicken)

    Some game groups only offer one, others more. The problematic game groups it seems are the vague ones that want to cover everything and the vague ones that have difficulty identifying what they want to cover.

    The sheer number of game variants troubles me. Basically Survival Horror means Resident Evil variants: a game popular enough to have its game mechanics mimicked and someone stuck a PR campaign on it (so other developers don't feel bad doing plagiarism). Voilà! New genre. :p

    I'm dizzy.

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    Pseudo_Intellectual (67771) on 11/27/2010 11:06 PM · Permalink · Report

    I think that Survival Horror boils down to limited ammo with re-spawning (or: unkillable) enemies. Definitely Capcom has revisited its own mine a few times, with Dino Crisis and Onimusha, but Alone In The Dark got there first. (Of course, this limited definition also ensnares NetHack 8)

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    Indra was here (20735) on 11/28/2010 7:10 AM · Permalink · Report

    ...and dark damp corridors with crappy maneuvering skills. Gameplay version of horror is equal to frustration.

    Hmm. I must be an expert on survival horror games. I played buggy games all the time. :p