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Forums > Game Forums > Maps Europe > Delete Screenshots MSX2

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Edwin Drost (10515) on 4/4/2021 12:47 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

It seems that I completely messed it up the screenshots for the MSX2 version. Could someone please remove the screenshots (except the loading screen) of the MSX2 version this game? It also make it much much much more easy for me to check IF they all correct now.

PS: Yes, I know that I am a perfectionist, but they for certain do not look as it should have been on an actual MSX2. And yes, I probably will lose some points, but rather that than it not having it all accurate. If you know what I mean.

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Rwolf (24112) on 4/4/2021 2:16 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

I'll WIP them back and you can do whatever is needed, and resubmit them. All were returned except the loading screen.