Forums > Game Forums > Ultima II: The Revenge of the Enchantress... > Resolution?
Edwin Drost (10508) on 1/30/2017 2:09 PM · edited · Permalink · Report
I am not sure where to answer the question from the Work in Progress of the "Show approval status of items contributed", but you are now talking about the MSX, right? The MSX 2 is using 512×212 (16 colours out of 512) and 256×212 (256 colours).
The MSX2+ is using a new 256×212 YJK video mode with 19268 simultaneous colors and a new 256×212 mixed-YJK/RGB video mode with 12499 simultaneous colors.
The MSX2+ is what I am using. Wrong monitor?What to do?
Sorry, that they are a bit fuzzy or unclear. I tried to make good pictures of it.
Edit: The pictures of the MSX version of Ultima I that were contributed by someone else are 544x456.
PS: Sorry, I just do not feel so well, so my apologies if I am a bit unclear and all.
Edwin Drost (10508) on 1/31/2017 6:31 PM · Permalink · Report
Edwin Drost (10508) on 2/2/2017 7:32 AM · Permalink · Report
Okay. What IS then the best way to picture with the right pixels then on the MSX2+?
Edwin Drost (10508) on 2/9/2017 12:34 PM · edited · Permalink · Report
And now on a MSX2? (MSX2 has a 512×212 (16 colours out of 512) and 256×212 (256 colours))
Edit: Interestingly enough the pictures of the MSX version of Ultima I is 544x456, (if you copy and paste on Paint, etc) so....