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Forums > Game Forums > Lemmings > Why can't I play Lemmings in CGA?

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Nowhere Girl (8782) on 8/8/2015 10:59 AM · Permalink · Report

I like comparing different versions of graphics and, as I repeatedly mentioned, I really like good EGA graphics - much more than modern 3D graphics. Lemmings, too, often look nice in EGA (for me the "marble" levels look better in EGA than in VGA - in VGA they have too much soapy pink). So I wanted to compare how they could look like in CGA... And I can't; if I choose CGA at the graphics choice screen, the game immediately crashes. I play Lemmings through DOSBox/D-Fend Reloaded and I think that theoretically it shouldn't have problems with emulating a CGA card - anyway, I can play CGA-based games such as Sokoban.

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vileyn0id_8088 (21036) on 8/8/2015 5:13 PM · Permalink · Report

Did you configure DOSBox/D-Fend to explicitly emulate CGA? (yeah, I know it sounds obvious, but too many people just seem to trust the default SVGA mode to show CGA properly - even some screenshots submitters here on Moby. ;-))

OTOH, it's also possible that your copy is missing the required CGA files.

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Nowhere Girl (8782) on 8/18/2015 11:43 AM · Permalink · Report

If I don't know how to do it, I probably didn't - so how to do it?

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vileyn0id_8088 (21036) on 8/18/2015 3:25 PM · Permalink · Report

In plain DOSBox you set machine=CGA in the config file. I don't know about D-Fend, but the emulated video card should be selectable somewhere when you edit the game's profile, perhaps under "graphics" or similar.

(Still, crashes aren't the typical symptom for this issue, so this may or may not fix things for you... hence my "missing files" theory.)