Forums > Game Forums > Limbo > Did you know?

click here to win an iPhone9SSSS (2261) on 4/3/2015 4:46 PM · Permalink · Report
That game descriptions are a chance to write comments like
"However, the story as a whole can also be seen as a metaphor for the search for companionship and getting around in a new environment."
"Encounters with other humans are however brief and rare. These account for most of the horror moments, of the psychological kind, with other unnerving sequences like".
Some people thought game descriptions were boring to compose, well, we were wrong. They are funny to write, if you have the right attitude.
I wonder how many of you would feel offended if reading this editor's note to a book. I felt when I did. But it can't be questioned that they are right. They are right, that is it.