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Forums > Game Forums > Killer Instinct > Odds Of Killer Instinct Appearing On The Wii VC?

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Guy Chapman (1746) on 5/24/2007 8:04 AM · Permalink · Report

I know with Rare now in Microsoft's stable, a lot of Nintendo originated Rare games aren't going to see the light of day on the Wii's Virtual Console (Donkey Kong Country obviously being a notable exception).

So what are people's thoughts (besides obviously wanting it to hit the VC) about SNES Killer Instinct or even N64's Killer Instinct Gold hitting the VC? Does Nintendo have any stake in this as they helped put it out in the arcades as well, or is this more Rare's baby, and will have a better chance of showing up on the Xbox?

I'm just curious as to which company has more say in future releases of this title, as this one seems a little more ambiguous than say, Conker, Perfect Dark or Banjo Kazooie.

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Joshua J. Slone (4666) on 5/26/2007 5:57 AM · Permalink · Report

I don't think it's really any different than Conker/Perfect Dark in that as an original Rare work that wasn't a spinoff of existing Nintendo properties, rights for it went to Rare and ultimately Microsoft. And actually, taking a look at Wikipedia it seems Midway was the arcade publisher, so Nintendo's involvement doesn't seem any greater than what it was for the console games.

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Guy Chapman (1746) on 5/26/2007 9:01 AM · Permalink · Report

Funny thing is, I used to work for Midway back when this and the second game were out and coming out. Other than getting a "yeah, we distributed it out in the arcades", Midway seemed to have very little claim (vocally) to it other than that. At least they never owned up to it that much around the office, and we never did any game support for it. Always referred people to Nintendo. But that was nearly 12 years ago.

I just figured since Nintendo was also part of the name/reason it was in the arcades, that might change up some of the "rules" as it were.

I actually liked the games (largely for the music and graphics), and would love to play them on the newer systems, even though I still have my original cartridges (KI Gold was a bear to play on the N64 controller).