Forums > Game Forums > Crystal Defenders > Does the Wii version need to be split off into 2 separate games?
Alaka (109089) on 2/3/2018 12:53 AM · Permalink · Report
From this IGN review:
On Wii, however, it's a whole different story. Crystal Defenders R1 released just a few weeks back, and it became apparent that Square was out to cash in on the Nintendo crowd. R1 offered 13 levels, most of which were tutorials with very little skill needed and only a fraction of the total amount of units and enemies used , and in the end you got a couple levels reminiscent from the first third of the iPhone/360/PS3 games. By the numbers you got 13 levels, sure, but as a huge superfan of Crystal Defenders I felt cheated at the miniscule amount of content. R1 took me about an hour to play, and R2 is nearly identical, as Square continues to release tiny chunks of an $8 game at… yup, $8 a pop.
I want to document Crystal Defenders R2. What is the proper way to go about it?