Forums > Game Forums > Krieg um die Krone > Golden Disk 64 version Schwert und Magie Folge 1+2

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Edwin Drost (10508) on 2/17/2017 4:44 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

Alright. Back to business. Not only "Krieg um die Krone" was on the Golden Disk 64, there's also two episodes of "Schwert und Magie";

Episode 1: Das geheimnisvolle Kraut

Episode 2: Der unheimliche Tempel

This is a pure text adventure with RPG elements where the hero who lives in a fantasy world comes into situations where the player has to select from several answers to progress in this game. The instructions of this game was at the last pages of the Krieg um die Krone manual.

Both Krieg um die Krone and Schwert und Magie has a copy protection. It will ask you to look up a certain word in the manual.

In total seven episodes were made;

Episode 1: Das geheimnisvolle Kraut

Episode 2: Der unheimliche Tempel

Episode 3: Das Piratenhaus

Episode 4: Die Burg des Magiers

Episode 5: Das Haus des Vampirs

Episode 6: Der Turm des Todes

Episode 7: Unter Wasser!

Published by: German Design Group (GDG)

Developed by: German Design Group

Released: 1989

Platform: Commodore 64

Genre: Text Adventure


Idee und Design: R. K. Rien

Text und Programmierung: The Dark One

Grafik und Sound: The Dark One

HiRes Titelbild: Rupert Vogl

Musik: Michael Winterberg

Anleitung: Rüdiger Rinscheidt

Illustration: Helmut Loch, Design

Version: 07.11.1989

PS: As far I can remember folge 1+2 were also released in a compilation who had an actual cover and manual. The same were done with the further episodes.

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Edwin Drost (10508) on 2/20/2017 11:11 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

As I said before the instructions of Schwert und Magie were on the last pages of the manual of the Golden Disk 64 version of Krieg um die Krone;

And of course here are those photos that I've made of the game on an actual C64;

The Credits Screen;

The Title Screen;

The Copy Protection;