Forums > Game Forums > Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa > Shut down.

Mobygamesisreanimated (11069) on 3/2/2009 8:51 PM · Permalink · Report
There a full fledged report of the game's last moments in the latest game journal thread. I'd say this should be mentioned in the main entry, not being able to play the game anymore isn't so trivial.

Slug Camargo (583) on 3/3/2009 3:24 AM · edited · Permalink · Report
Is it just me strolling through the wrong forums or is the entire internet mourning about this? I mean, there has to be a reason why they pulled the plug, right? Where were all these sorrowful gamers when poor old demented Mr. Garriot needed them? =P

Sicarius (61513) on 3/3/2009 5:37 AM · edited · Permalink · Report
[Q --start Schadenfreude wrote--]Is it just me strolling through the wrong forums or is the entire internet mourning about this? I mean, there has to be a reason why they pulled the plug, right? Where were all these sorrowful gamers when poor old demented Mr. Garriot needed them? =P [/Q --end Schadenfreude wrote--] We were playing and enjoying the game with an awesome community and great developers! In times were Matrix Online, Meridian 59 and whatever are still running I can't possibly understand why a really good game like this with a solid paying customer base is shut down.
Of course there were also errors at the beginning especially with the too long running beta which every idiot was able to enter and I guess behind the scenes the relationship between devs and NCSoft wasn't the best either and the latter is in my opinion the main reason why it got shutdown.
But since it's launch it was just a great experience with a devteam you knew was out there until the very last minute (the last big patch, Deployment 16, hit the servers 2 weeks before closure and included tons of new content including the long-awaited Mech-suits), a world that really had a story to tell (Garriott's fingerprints all over it) and a community that perhaps because it was smaller compared to WoW & Co. was closer together.
Breath Sicarius - don't get angry again. That's bad for the good'ol blood pressure. It was just a game.