Forums > Game Forums > Titanic: Adventure Out of Time > Insall under Vista
James Millard on 1/27/2008 10:00 PM · Permalink · Report
I have had this game since MSW3.1, and it has run just fine on all the upgraded OSs, until Vista. Insert the disk, click on "Install Titanic" ... and nothing happens. Does anyone have a solution? The so-called Program Compatability "Wizard" from MS doesn't have a clue. Thanks.
DJP Mom (11333) on 1/27/2008 10:15 PM · Permalink · Report
Did you try right-clicking the disk, explore, find setup and right-click, then use the compatibility tab? Vista is so weird - sometimes after a restart it will install something it refused before, too. 1996 is kind of iffy, though - I haven't had much success with anything before 97.