Forums > Game Forums > Nectaris > Dos Nectaris

Jerry Arnold on 4/29/2021 5:19 AM · Permalink · Report
Why in the world has this game not been ported to anything else I've loved this version for a very long time it's always referred to as a bastard child version but to me it's a solid improvement to the original if not that a sequel and it's so annoying that still after so many years you have to play it through dosbox I really hope I'm not the only person in the world that feels this way about this version of nectaris. I'm not computer smart in a way to make this game work outside of dosbox for anything else. Please somebody set this game free lol

Rwolf (24112) on 4/29/2021 5:57 PM · Permalink · Report
If you look at the whole series, there has been ports/new releases for consoles, the latest in 2009.