Forums > Game Forums > NHL 2001 > Another set of incomplete credits?

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Mtik333 (29530) on 11/11/2020 11:38 AM · Permalink · Report

So seems that both PS1/Windows credits are incomplete.

For PS1, list is very short (just like for Euro 2000) so I think about re-adding these (once I finish with NHL 2000 PS1 probably).

For PC I see a video on YT: and it looks like maybe half of it is available on MobyGames entry? Music credits are especially missing and well, credits overall are not so-well grouped like in this video.

Can you double check please and confirm whether existing credits are based on manuals?

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Freeman (67603) on 11/12/2020 4:30 AM · Permalink · Report

For the PS version, the stated source is the in-game credits, though it's an early submission without any source images so it might very well be incomplete.

For the PC version, the main submission doesn't list a source or include any images. There's also another submission which is from the German manual.

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Rwolf (24112) on 11/12/2020 2:14 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

I can compare my Nordic PC manual with the existing credits, and add scans to complete those bits missing. I can see that the lists are a little different in the UK, Swedish & Finnish pages.

edit: added three more guys from my manual, with scans. No music credits are listed in my manual.

edit2: about half of the video in the link is listed on Moby, the rest (starting with motion capture stunts etc. continuing to the music performers, 2nd half of video) should be added.

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Foxhack (32131) on 11/12/2020 4:09 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Rwolf wrote--]edit: added three more guys from my manual, with scans. No music credits are listed in my manual. [/Q --end Rwolf wrote--]EA games tended to have those in the game to make the manual smaller, heh.

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Mtik333 (29530) on 11/12/2020 7:44 PM · Permalink · Report

Ok, so for the PC version it probably can be left with current shape (more or less), for PS1 I'll try to maybe re-submit credits there.