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MasterMegid (723) on 3/3/2008 7:58 PM · Permalink · Report

I recently finished Oblivion with 130 Hours. I did hundreds of quests. Discovered tons of places. But was interested to find that I finished that game only on Level 32.

By comparsion, I played all of Morrowind, including the expansion packs. I was level 60. Likely due to leveling up quicker in Morrowind, what with more Major Skills.

I was wondering, how long did it take others? What level were you? And the like.

"When I reach behind your ear, it will not be a penny I pull out, but your very soul!"-Dr. Orpheous, The Venture Bros.-

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MichaelPalin (1414) on 3/4/2008 8:22 AM · Permalink · Report

I got to 96 in Morriwind because due to a bug you couldn't go on unless you could give out all your experience points, and that was not possible near level 100. I did all the missions possible except for those of the antislavery group (there was an incursion in that big slavery camp that was just impossible unless you killed everybody) and those of the assassins' guilds (I cannot role-play evil, it's a mental problem I have). It took me two months, god, i loved that game. I still can play longer time with a GTA, though.

I finished Oblivion around 30, and I was bored already. At first, I tried to close all the gates and enter all the cave/fortress/whatever, but, thanks to the leveling system it was just insanely frustrating. Let's see what happens with Fallout 3.

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MasterMegid (723) on 3/5/2008 4:23 PM · Permalink · Report

Yeah, I am lokking forward to Fallout 3. I hope Bethesda does'nt screw it up.

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DreinIX (10204) on 3/6/2008 5:33 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

Must have been close to 36 hours but with only a few quests completed and after the first 2 hours I changed the difficulty to the easiest. On the other hand I must have spend at least 2 or 3 hours just fooling around. I'm playing quests like crazy now. How many are there anyway? And also I've closed 9 gates but I thought that there were more that I didn't close. Can you find more before you finish the main story?

Oh, and I was below level 7. I only figured out that you must sleep to raise your levels when I was close to finishing the main story. That's when I read the manual actually.

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MichaelPalin (1414) on 3/6/2008 9:10 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

9 gates? Man, I would say there are at least 30-40 of them, but I'm not sure if they appear at the same time or the keep on appearing as time goes on. After playing the main story for a while, I remember running into oblivion gates nearly as often as with caves, forts or temples.

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DreinIX (10204) on 3/6/2008 9:41 PM · Permalink · Report

Oh, well, maybe I'll close more when I start a new game...