Forums > Game Forums > The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion > The Real Barenziah

Unicorn Lynx (181645) on 10/4/2008 10:02 AM · Permalink · Report
Has anyone read this book? It's in 5 volumes, I found it in the East Wing of Cloud Ruler Temple. It's... awesome. Simply awesome.
Come to think of it, it's really weird. All Elder Scrolls games have weak dialogues. Oblivion has the best, but they are still not very good. But all those games have fantastic books. Why couldn't they hire the writers who did those books to work on the dialogues as well?

St. Martyne (3648) on 10/4/2008 3:55 PM · Permalink · Report
I think I have, but I don't really remember the gist of it. Actually, the books in Oblivion made a pretty bad impression on me. Mostly because the overwhelming majority of them were taken over right from Morrowind and Daggerfall including The Real Barenziah. Nearly no new books at all, except for weird Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes.

The Fabulous King (1332) on 10/5/2008 12:51 AM · Permalink · Report
The majority of the books in Morrowind and Oblivion were written between the time of Daggerfall and Morrowind. There's a lot of development history between those two games - the old guys vision, Ken Rolston's vision and Todd Howard's vision.
As far as I know, it was Ken Rolston's idea to throw all the books they had written for the lore into the game - regardless if together they make any sense.
So why couldn't they hire those writers to write dialogue for the games. Dunno. Ken Rolston also created many books and he was the lead writer/designer of Morrowind. Judging from the books he wrote for Morrowind, he's not a bad writer. So they did have those book writers writing for the game... but I guess it was just their design philosophy to have really boring dialogue.
Men tend to do really strange things because of principles. Some burn books because Jesus has set them free, some create the most interesting books for a game ever and then set out on to make really boring in-game dialogue. It's a crazy world we live in.

lord of daedra (62) on 10/5/2008 7:36 PM · Permalink · Report
Personally, I enjoy the "Lusty Argonian Barmaid" series...

Indra was here (20735) on 10/6/2008 4:32 PM · Permalink · Report
That's nothing. The most "interesting" dialog I've come across was with a Dark Elf shopkeeper in er...don't remember.
Keyword: Necrophilia.

Unicorn Lynx (181645) on 10/6/2008 5:07 PM · Permalink · Report
The most "interesting" dialog I've come across was with a Dark Elf shopkeeper in er...don't remember.
Skingrad, I think. Yeah, it was a good one.

Unicorn Lynx (181645) on 10/6/2008 6:00 AM · Permalink · Report
Yeah, this one is in Oblivion as well. But I think there is only this one scene. Has anyone read the continuation? :)

Mobygamesisreanimated (11069) on 10/6/2008 9:40 AM · Permalink · Report
It's probably a joke, I hope. Did anyone else have that conversation with one of the Khajiits in Oblivion who tells you that some weird people want to see him naked?

lord of daedra (62) on 10/6/2008 4:54 PM · Permalink · Report
Never heard that one, but has anybody ever caught up to/ chatted with M'aiq the Liar? some of the things he says are pretty awesome.

Indra was here (20735) on 10/8/2008 2:55 PM · Permalink · Report
[Q --start lord of daedra wrote--]Never heard that one, but has anybody ever caught up to/ chatted with M'aiq the Liar? some of the things he says are pretty awesome. [/Q --end lord of daedra wrote--]
Sounded most like gibberish to me...