Forums > Game Forums > Stir Crazy featuring BoBo > Credit titles..
Rascal (2256) on 6/19/2007 7:11 PM · Permalink · Report
Credit titles for DOS version of this game are in French. What's the correct way to submit English credit titles? Should I do a separate group or submit as corrections?
I was going to submit English titles as corrections from my own manual but there are less credits in my manual so I don't have all the English title translations.
Xoleras (66097) on 6/19/2007 7:34 PM · edited · Permalink · Report
I would say correction, but please use Contribute -> Correction -> Credit entry instead of doing the credit entry directly (and then correcting via deleting and re-adding).
Do a real credit entry if you have people mentioned in your manual, which aren't on file.
As for the missing ones, which are those?
PS: Thank you very much. Many many years ago, I've played a game, which I liked, but over time I've forgotten most of it. Something about a prison, and from Infogrames. I've looked through Moby to find the games I forgot over time (and to refresh my memory), but this one was the one I couldn't found. And yes, it was BoBo. :-)
Rascal (2256) on 6/20/2007 3:44 PM · Permalink · Report
Thanks for the help! I submitted corrections for the ones that were in my manual. The following 3 are missing.
Ingenieur du Son, Ingenieur de la Photographie and Communcation. These would probably be translated to something along the lines of Sound Engineer, Photography and Communications.
Good to know I was able to refresh your memory! Sometimes it's just fun to browse random games and every once in a while you stumble on something you've played before.