Forums > Game Forums > Caesar II > 3.x is a crock

eXo (346) on 7/22/2015 7:17 PM · Permalink · Report
I finally got my hands on a French version of Caesar II (with the big shiny Win 3.x sticker on the front) like in the cover scans here. I was extremely curious to see this magical Win 3.x version of Caesar, considering there was never a 3.x compatible version released in the US and the Win95 version makes use of DirectX, which meant a 3.x version would have to be a whole different build.
So imagine my disappointment when I find that the contents of the CD are identical to the US release, save for the language files.
It is only "Win 3.x Compatible" in the sense that you can drop to DOS and play the game.
Installing the windows versions first warns you that you must have Win 95. If you continue it then warns that it can't find the registry. If you still try to launch it then errors out with win32 errors. It also asks you to install directx. Good luck with that in Windows 3.1.
This is far from the first time a games box was wrong about the compatible OS's. It is not a very good indicator of which platforms should be listed.