Forums > Game Forums > Delta Patrol > Sam Coupe

twitek (14933) on 1/14/2022 11:58 AM · edited · Permalink · Report
May i suggest to remove the platform "Sam Coupé" for this game?
The inside cover says "SAM Coupé owners: Load Spectrum Emulator".
Most (all?) Spectrum games can be loaded that way. No reason to add "platform: Sam Coupé" to all Spectrum games.
Same as Apple2GS compatibility mode for Apple2.
Same as C128 compatibility mode for C64.
If a game isn't improved or changed when running on a compatibel platform, the compatible platform should not be mentioned. Am i wrong?

Martin Smith (81712) on 3/29/2022 7:11 PM · Permalink · Report
I was just about to make the same point. The SAM was brand new when the game was released, and this feels like a cheeky way of implying that SAM owners were getting something customised for their snazzier new system, rather than a 48K Spectrum game with all the colour clash that implies (I love the Speccy, but scrolling shooters weren't its forté)

Freeman (67589) on 4/16/2022 3:29 AM · Permalink · Report
Would this be the same thing as a single release being added under DOS, Win 3.x & Windows?

Pseudo_Intellectual (67623) on 5/11/2022 9:47 PM · Permalink · Report
Sounds to me more like a PlayStation 1 game being playable on PS2, but not having an actual PS2 version.

Rwolf (24112) on 5/12/2022 9:04 AM · Permalink · Report
I was reading some comments from the SAM users back in the 1990 on compatibility issues; Crash! magazine had an early list of verified compatible Speccy games for the SAM, and it seems from some later comments that the problems were issues with copy-protection schemes (the tapes often did not work within specifications of later hardware) which required special addons to make conversions for the SAM.
I wonder if in this case it would make sense to add an 'zx emulation' box in the tech specs for those games that explicitly worked as intended - with emulation only?